The False Claims Act enables a private citizen with unique knowledge of fraud committed against the federal government (such as health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud) to file a lawsuit under seal (not accessible to the public) seeking treble (triple the amount) damages on behalf ...
FALSE CLAIMS ACT Helping hold companies responsible for their financial harm Fraud comes in many forms. But the intention of every fraud is financial gain by the perpetrator and financial loss for the victim. The fraud lawyers at Thornton Law Firm LLP stand up for the rights of victims of fin...
If you are aware of any person, corporation or entity that you think may be violating the Federal False Claims Act or a State False Claims Act, contact us today.
Alexander B. Ginsberg
Our qui tam lawyers specialize in representing whistleblowers who comes forward to report financial fraud, waste and abuse committed against the government under the False Claims Act (FCA). If you have knowledge of fraud, waste or abuse against the government, consult our nationally renowned qui ...
Embedded in the FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, signed into law on December 23, 2024, is a provision that could significantly impact agency enforcement activity: the Administrative False Claims Act (“AFCA”). Enforcement of the federal FCA is currently limited to DOJ and whistleblowers...
Helmer, Martins, Tate & Garrett Co., LPA is the nation's most experienced law firm representing qui tam whistleblowers in a wide range of False Claims Act and other whistleblower cases.
The Future of Private False Claims Act Suits Against States After Vermont Agency of Natural Resources v. United States ex rel. Stevens Since Congress amended the Federal False Claims Act in 1986, the Act's qui tam provisions, which allow individuals to sue on behalf of the federal governme....
This alert addresses the PPP forgiveness conditions, the forgiveness application process, and steps to ensure compliance and mitigate enforcement risk, particularly under the federal False Claims Act. Autores: Kelley C. Miller Rizwan A. Qureshi Daniel Z. Herbst Background and context PPP...
False Claims Act (FCA) 2012 Year in Review: Government ContractorsBrad FaggEric W. Sitarchuk