7 Either/Or (“False Dilemma”) Fallacy Examples in Real Life 1. “You could either pursue your dream job or stay where you are and be miserable for the rest of your life.” There are a few flaws with this false dilemma. First, someone may have some barriers that are preventing them...
Sometimes, false allegations are the result of a real crime but where others are accused of perpetrating the offense, as in the Beatrice Six case. But some are innocently accused of an offense to cover up a crime committed by someone else. A South Dakota man was pardoned and exonerated in...
False dilemmas result from our tendency for black-and-white thinking and are often used rhetorically to illegitimately strengthen one’s position. Today, we’re going to cover the basics of this fallacious form of reasoning, present some false dichotomy fallacy examples, and talk about how to re...
He cites the European Union and the African Union as examples and mention how the Pacific and American Union are on their way. If I were to talk about how the European Union worked in real life it’d take an entire full length article just to do that, so I’ll summarize and show ...
a place where demons could enter pigs and cause them to run off a cliff and drown themselves, where two bears can maul and kill 42 children, a place where a woman can conceive and deliver while remaining a virgin, where the act of sending dead people to a place of eternal torture can...
The tendency to rely too heavily on one trait or piece of information when making decision refers to which of these biases? A. Availability bias B. Confirmation bias C. Anchoring D. Gambler's fallacy E. Halo effect It hasn't rained in several ...
Some ideas persist long after the mounting evidence against them becomes overwhelming. Some of these things are kooky but probably harmless (try as I might, I do not care about ESP etc), whereas some are deeply damaging (I’m looking at you “vaccines cause autism”). ...
1969), the voiceprint fallacy has lingered ever since then. For the anecdote, even the French researchers and engineers who worked with the Voice Identification Inc., Sound Spectrograph, model 700 (before the generalization of personal computers for speech analysis) would borrow the English word ...