(2012). Falls prevention for the elderly. GMS Health Technology Assessment, 8, Doc01. doi:10.3205/hta000099Falls prevention for the elderly. Balzer Katrin,Bremer Martina,Schramm Susanne,Lühmann Dagmar,Raspe Heiner. GMS health technology assessment . 2012...
曾有跌倒史、年龄大于65岁者、贫血或血压不稳者、肢体功能障碍、睡眠障碍、意识障碍、失去定向感者、颈椎病者、营养不良、虚弱头晕、步态不稳者、服用利尿剂、缓泻药、镇静安眠药、降压药、止痛药的患者、视力、听力较差、缺少照顾的患者。 04预防跌倒的十知道Ten prevention of falls 1.病房保持灯光明亮,使您行动...
Falls account for one of the most common and serious issues contributing to a disability, especially among elderly individuals. Tinetti et al. in 1988 defined a fall as an event that results in a person coming to rest on the ground or other lower-level unintentionally, which is not as a r...
We included both randomised controlled trials and controlled evaluations of fall prevention interventions for people aged 60 and over with any mental health problem including dementia, depression or psychosis. Studies that did not have a specific mental health focus were included as long as a significa...
The aim of this set of reviews was to inform recommendations by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (task force) on fall prevention interventions. We undertook three systematic reviews to address questions about the following: (i) the benefits and harms of interventions, (ii) how...
“An initial consultation can be arranged through the Elderly Urgent Care Unit in Rumailah Hospital or the Geriatric Wellness Clinic in Qatar Rehabilitation Institute, or one can get a referral to the Falls Prevention Clinic through a primary or specialist doctor,” added Dr. Amin. The National ...
Injuries resulting from falls in elderly people are a major public-health concern, representing one of the main causes of longstanding pain, functional impairment, disability, and death in this population. The problem is going to worsen, since the rates of such injuries seem to be rising in man...
falling have now been published.This issue contains a systematic review of interventions for the prevention of falling(p680).3Chang et al searched up to2002and include40trials;a further six trials were identified after they had completed their analysis.A Cochrane review,updated in July2003(for ...
While simple falls, such as slipping while walking off a curb, may seem relatively harmless, they can actually lead to severe injury and death in elderly individuals, according to a new study published in The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care. As the population continues...
The Influence of Applying Torque in the Pre-swing Phase on the Minimum Toe Clearance for Prevention of Falls in Elderly People To decrease the risk of falls in older people, gait training robots are needed. However, compliance control, which is the usual method used in existing gait training ...