Enclave X-02 Power Armor - 十分精緻的動力裝甲 Marine Armor Helmet Light - 海陸裝甲的頭燈 Transparent Glasses and Helmets - 讓一些眼鏡跟面罩變的透明 htt...
Power Armour Hellfire X-03 Power Armor Endorsements 17,457 Unique DLs 385,869 Total DLs 881,813 Total views 2,063,377 Version 0.21 Download: Manual Last updated 28 October 202110:02PM Original upload 19 August 20179:29PM Created by
Hellfire X-03 Power Armor Power Armour Uploaded:19 Aug 2017 Last Update:28 Oct 2021 Author:DogtoothCG Unoctium Uploader:unoctium The intimidating Hellfire Power Armor from Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC, finally lands in the Commonwealth. Now patched to 0.2 ...
unlock用鼠标选择门或箱子,输入指令即开player.setlevel # 设置玩家等级为#官方秘籍(大同小异,增加了karma点)tgm 无敌模式 tcl 穿墙模式 tmm1 所有的地图标记 player.setAV <能力> # 设置能力值(#为1-10) player.setAV <技能名> # 设置技能等级为 #(最大100)AP也可以改,命令是player.setAV ActionPoints ...
该营地也有激光炮塔和和三名英克雷士兵(Enclave soldier)把守,其中一个是英克雷地狱火骑兵(Enclave Hellfire trooper),其身穿英克雷X-02动力装甲(Enclave X-02 Power Armor)或英克雷地狱火动力装甲(Enclave Hellfire Power Armor)、手持英克雷重型火焰喷射器(Enclave Heavy Incinerator)或特斯拉加农炮(Tesla Cannon),干掉...
的电梯能上到楼顶,撬开一新手级锁的门进入一房间,里面有一个保险箱(专家锁);站在屋顶上两个房间中的一个房间正前方会触发警报,一个突袭者机器人(Assaultron)和铁卫机器人(Sentry Bot)会从房间中出现并攻击玩家;击败这两个机器人后,按下每个房间的红色按钮将打开中央房间,里面有一套完整的动力装甲(Power Armor)...
00_Quests Alternative Power Armor Training v1.1 Gryphon 01_Combat MFO v0.9 decoy catfish 02_...
The majority of the props seen in the series are real and not CGI; for example, all of the power armor suits were real full-body suits created by Legacy, the company that produced the Iron Man suits for the eponymous movie Iron Man, and the Pip-Boys were created as frames used to ...
X-02 Power Armor Often referred to as the "black devil" for its signature design, the X-02 is an advanced power armor model developed by the Enclave for its special operations forces. With multiple skin options and custom Tesla modifications, the X-02 is a powerful tool to help you storm...
中的装备,在《辐射》和《辐射2》中也都出现了,比如皮夹克(Leather Jacket)和能量盔甲(Power Armor...