X-01原型动力盔甲 有一套X-01型动力盔甲在美国军方与核子可乐公司创始人布莱德伯恩合作的“钴计划”中测试了“锶-90”涂层,从结果来看涂层的效果是比较令人乐观的 除去型号繁多的军用动力盔甲之外,在大战前美国还开发过一种旨在保护矿工免受落石与粉尘伤害的挖掘作业用动力盔甲,尽管出于种种原因,这种设备虽然被大力宣...
武器库北边是动力甲储藏库,破解墙壁上的终端机(新手级)打开门,里面有动力甲工作台(Power Armor Station)和一套X-01型动力装甲(Power Armor),工具柜上有工具箱和弹药箱。武器库西边是个工房,里面有武器工作台(Weapons Workbench)、护甲工作台(Armor Workbench),还有军营箱子、工具箱、甜麦炮弹(Sugar Bombs)。出武...
先进动力装甲Mark I(X-01) [无涂装] 在2241年,这种动力装甲被普遍装备英克雷部队,到了2246年,X-01(Mark I)就已被先进动力装甲 Mark II所淘汰,即使如此,在纳瓦罗(Navarro)被洗劫前,这种装甲仍是英克雷装备最多的动力装甲。到2177年时,首都废土的英克雷组织以完全淘汰X-01(Mark I),而西海岸和中部的英克雷残党...
- 通过脚本在地堡中找到的X-01动力装甲的静态模型替换器。- 新动力装甲的统计数据/Object Effects大致接近原版。- 一旦你获得“动力装甲训练”能力,大炮族弹药管理员、大汗帮装甲师和贩卖机器人将出售独特的动力装甲。- 英克雷小队Sigma(在履带式移动基站中)现在将穿着独特的X-02 Sigma动力装甲。- 现在可以在DC...
47009 - Power Armor Core T-45 : 55% Damage Reduction 47010 - T-45 Arms 47011 - T-45 Legs 47012 - T-45 Chestplate 47013 - T-45 Helmet X-01 : 70% Damage Reduction 47014 - X-01 Arms 47015 - X-01 Legs 47016 - X-01 Chestplate ...
In vanilla, Power Armor would spawn in the world at a level equal to the player. This meant that at a certain point all Power armor would spawn as X-01 suits and lower qualities would never spawn. Now Power armor has a chance to spawn at a quality level less than or equal to the ...
In addition to the highly anticipated game, the Fallout 76 Tricentennial Edition includes bonus in-game items: Tricentennial Power Armor Customization for the T-51, T-45, T-60, and X-01 Power Armors. Tricentennial Weapon Customization for the 10MM Pistol, Hatchet, and Laser Rifle...
另外,在核子世界发电厂(Nuka World Power plant)的东南面,有个监控站,撬开新手级锁的门进去,里面有铁网库房,库房里有全套(等级甲)X-01Ⅲ;破解监控站终端机[高级]就能打开铁网库房的安全门。 9、 赫伯基信徒营地(Hubologist's camp) 赫伯基信徒营地(Hubologist's camp),在战前是鼓丘餐厅(Drumlin Diner)和红...
Power Armor Materials AND Paints (PAMAP) Power Armour Uploaded:05 Dec 2015 Last Update:09 Apr 2018 Author:Mcgan Uploader:Mcgan A simple mod that allows both materials and paints to be applied to the T-45, T-51, T-60 and X-01 power armor. No longer Maintained. ...
The lightweight composites used in its construction give the X-02 a speed and agility advantage over its predecessor, the X-01 power armor. CR-74L Combat Rifle The CR-74L is a prototype assault weapon developed by wastelanders in the Commonwealth. Its long history and collaborative ...