The grenade is all the power of a mini nuke, packed into a hand-held explosive device. Only one exists in the entirety of the game. End of information based on information from Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel Plasma models Main article: Plasma grenade Plasma grenades release a burst of ioniz...
“因為在那個決定命運的日子,當火雨從天而降時,101號避難所的巨大鋼門滑落了... 並且從未重新開放。正是在這裡你誕生了。你會死在這裡。因為在101號避難所中:沒有人進來,也沒有人... 離開... 101號避難所(英文:Vault 101)是避難所科技在2277年的華盛頓特區西北地區開發的避難所系列輻射避難所之一。這個避難...
It also includes a geiger counter and a radio, and its screen doubles as a flashlight. A user can set their color preference for the display." -The Vault Wiki, Science +10% Bobby Pins / Screwdriver[]A few bobby pins and a thin, flat-head screwdriver with a red handle. These ...
Mortar, a cannon weapon similar to nuke that shoots mortar shells. Ammo is by the same name as the gun. 铁管霰弹枪, an untextured shotgun receiver for the pipe weapons. Nuke, a cannon weapon that shoots nuclear bombs (not mini nukes) and uses ammo by the same name. ...
The City Liner, when shot at enough will have the second largest of the vehicle explosions followed by the transport truck and preceded by theVertibird. With the power of roughly threemini nukesexploding beside each other simultaneously, but with less damage after the explosion, there will be 1...
106避難所(英文名:Vault 106)是一个避難所科技避难所,2277年位於首都废土。断桥镇東南方一個大洞之中,在凯琳小旅店正南方、陪審團街地鐵站稍微偏北方。 作为避难所实验的一部分,在106号避难所的门被封上10天后,精神药物被释放到空气过滤系统中。避难所电脑终端机的信
(WIKI :, when I landed on "Cell 0,0" using command "coe 0,0 (point 0,0 x2000 y2000)", they had gathered around me. Also when a door is set to the arbitrary places of "Cell 0,0" and ...
As its name would imply, the mini-nuke grenade is all the power of amini nuke, packed into a hand-held explosive device. Only one exists in the entirety of the game. 电浆类型 电浆手榴弹通过瞬间产生大量等离子气体,rather than the typical explosion propelling fragments of normal hand grenades. ...
Two mini nukes Mini nuke Mini nukes map location 展开 v·d·e 辐射3重要地点 Template:Navbox Broken Steel ↑Arcade Gannon:"Wow. That thing is definitely carrying around a bunch of Enclave intel. Adams is on the eastern seaboard of the country. Which means this little 'Duraframe' sucker some...
大型枪械是辐射、辐射2、辐射战略版以及辐射3的技能。它决定了你使用如Fat Man、Missile Launcher、Flamer等大型武器进行战斗的有效性。 大多数大型枪械有力量值的要求,而武器本身以及所需要的大量弹药的重量也要求较高的力量,因此如果玩家准备使用大型枪械作为主要的武器