12.The catalyst for the show’s story is Lucy’s father going missing, which just so happens to be the inciting incident of Fallout 3. In both instances the father is played by a beloved actor: Kyle MacLachlan in the show, and Liam Neeson in the game. 13.The quest to find her fathe...
In the show’s opener, chipper, capable but otherwise unprepared Lucy (“Yellowjackets’” Ella Purnell) leaves her vault to rescue her kidnapped father. In the sandblasted remains of Los Angeles, she encounters the grotesque, eat-or-be-eaten reality of the remaining have-nots...
Lucy. Even if they don't show up early though, it's easy to insert the mole rats into pretty much any situation inFallout. However they end up appearing,expect a ferocious fight when these harrowing rodents make their debutin Prime Video'sFalloutTV...
Image via Prime Video For much ofFalloutseason 1, Moldaver is presented as the show's primary villain. She is the subject of all three storylines between Lucy, Maximus, and The Ghoul, thoughFalloutseason 1's ending completely reverses her role. In the finale of the show,Moldaver is reveal...
This episode was one huge full circle moment as exploring the beginning only restarted the game, perhaps with a wider list of characters and journeys to be had. In its opening, we see Lucy successfully arrive at the Maldaver's location to free her kidnapped father and make all right with ...
Based on the blockbuster video game franchise of the same name,Falloutis set 200 years after a nuclear war wiped out most of humanity. Those who survived the war live in underground bunkers including Lucy, played by Ella Purnell, who goes on a quest to rescue her father. ...
Ella Purnell, known for her roles as Jinx in ‘Arcane‘ and Lucy in ‘Fallout,’ is considering stepping back from video game adaptations to avoid being typecast. Speaking at McM x Egx 2024, she admitted, ‘I’m not a gamer, and I don’t know how I’ve managed to land two video ...
and it enables navigation. Lucy's Pip-Boy is invaluable to her as a map; she punches in coordinates from Ma June (Dale Dickey) in episode 2 and uses it to track down a certain item, much as you would in the game. Every time you hear the sound of a Geiger counter in the...
It's also a bit of a mystery box. There's the question of the Ghoul's own past, but there's also a delightful bit of intrigue down in Vault 33, as Lucy's surly brother, Norm (Moises Arias), investigates the security breach that led to his father's kidnapping. Boasting reveals ...