一旦你的剧情走向了这样的结局,你就没有回头路了(除非控制台作弊,但这样会破坏游戏,我们将处理这一问题),因为一个不经意间的语句或手滑操作都会触发不可停止的事件序列。 此类结局也许可以被称为“坏结局”,毕竟“The Great War”是官设。 “随机”地平线上的闪点 由于一些随机事件或一连串事件而产生的结局。可...
I know about the Great War and the bombs falling, 还有在那之前的 320 年的美国历史 and the 320 years of American history before then. 但我想知道过去两百年的历史 I just need help with the last 200 years. 核弹爆♥炸♥后发生了什么 After the bombs fell. 核弹是在我小时候爆♥炸♥的...
↑ 移至: 1.0 1.1 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.288: "Before the Great War, the area Diamond City was based on was a popular baseball stadium known as Fenway Park, leading to its grounds becoming a location which multiple people flocked to as it provided a great deal of ...
就不一起讨论了),FO76是上述三作以来第一次预告片当中没有包含系列标志性的口号“War,war never ch...
FalloutcreatorTim Cain previously revealedlast year that China was the first country to launch a nuclear weapon in the Great War that ended the world. More specifically, he explained that China learned that the United States was working on a deadly weaponized virus and launched nukes at the U....
Canyoutellmewhatshappenedinthelast200years? 什么意思 Whatdoyoumean? 就是大概总结一下过去两百年的历史 Justthelast200years.Likea-aquickrundown. 我知道大战知道核弹爆hearts;炸hearts; IknowabouttheGreatWarandthebombsfalling, 还有在那之前的320年的美国历史 ...
Spurred by this reminder of what he lost, he took the time to look out for her – though, for obvious reasons, he never visited her.[8] The peace Raul coveted did not last forever. The former state of Arizona had become overrun with raiders and tribals between the Great War and the...
但是,在2077年10月23日……The Great War。第三次世界大战爆发。没有人知道理由,没有人知道原因,也没有人知道是谁先开的火,更没有人知道到底为什么开火……99%的人类和生物,在这次战争中消失。原本80亿的世界人口,可能减少到了5000万以下——但那已经完全无法确认。然而,仍然有人类在核弹的空隙中生存了下来。
Imperial remnants from places like 四威 swiftly took the country back from the Reds, and crowned a new emperor of 西恩. The new dynasty, however, did not like how America ended up in the Great War, and are building a massive missile to destroy the dangerous Brotherhood of Steel. ...
Set 200 years after the Great War of 2077, Earth has been left in ruins by nuclear destruction, dividing the human survivors into underground vault dwellers and military leaders fighting for scarce resources. While video game adaptations often get a bad rap and tend to foster low expectations ...