发光海(Glowing Sea)大部分由焦土组成,上面有放射性池塘、烧焦的树木、失事的汽车和成堆的瓦砾,几乎没有任何以前文明的迹象。仅存的几栋建筑没有完全被夷为平地,一半被炸弹造成的山体滑坡和深坑掩埋。穿过发光海(Glowing Sea)的雨云,并以辐射风暴的形式将辐射扩散到联邦(The Commonwealth)荒地的其他地方。尽管这里危险...
6、信号中继电塔0DB-521(RelayTower0DB-521) 地点:位于飞鸟直升机残骸(Vertibirdwreckage)东南方的位置。因为这个信号中继塔(RelayTower)位于发光海(GlowingSea),信号源也都在发光海(GlowingSea)。众所周知发光海(GlowingSea)很危险,所以建议等级35+以后再去探索。 (1)、天空航路1665求救信号(Skylanes1665Mayday) 广播...
The Stars My Solace Imagine Utopia Lone Wandering Wandering - The Glowing Sea, Pt. 2 The Last Mariner Echoes of the Dead Enough Is Enough Wandering - The Coast, Pt. 1 Humanity's Hope Endless Ocean, Endless Dreams No Voices, No Cries Wandering - The Coast, Pt. 2 Covert Action Rise and...
而后,任务提示“追踪发光海中的英克雷导航信标(Track the Enclave Homing Beacon within the Glowing Sea)”。根据任务搜索标志,即沿着血迹一路追寻,来到发光海边缘(Edge of the Glowing Sea),玩家将会接收到一个名为“英克雷导航信标(Enclave Homing Beacon)”的广播,根据这个无线电信号,前往发光海(Glowing Sea)搜寻,...
· Red Rocket (Glowing Sea)· Root cellar· Rusty tractor· Science Center gift shop· Shanty store· Shenley's Oyster Bar· Sleepwalker's place· Sniper's hideout· South Boston Church· South Fens Tower· Sullivan's· The Dig· The Hole in the Wall· The House of Tomorrow· The ...
The Commonwealth is occasionally plagued by radiation storms that blow in from the Glowing Sea, far to the southwest. Originally "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts," the state became known only as the "The Commonwealth" after the Great War of 2077. Many people in the Commonwealth view the ...
Where to find it: South of the edge of the Glowing Sea and West of Somerville Place. 432 votes So creepy? 12 A Secret Submarine That Is Home to an Old Chinese Warlord Photo: Metaweb GNU Free Documentation License How to find it: Start the "Here There Be Monsters" quest by locating a...
· Red Rocket (Glowing Sea)· Root cellar· Rusty tractor· Science Center gift shop· Shanty store· Shenley's Oyster Bar· Sleepwalker's place· Sniper's hideout· South Boston Church· South Fens Tower· Sullivan's· The Dig· The Hole in the Wall· The House of Tomorrow· The ...
The children of Atom make their home in what region of the Commonwealth? The Glowing Sea Where was Lorenzo Cabot held prisoner? Parson State Insane Asylum Which of the following is not a location in the Commonwealth? Harbor Hotel Where was Kellogg’s headquarters?
I've been wandering the Glowing Sea quite a bit recently, as there's good loot to be found there, and out by the ghoul settlement as well. I've also cut down on the settlements I'm trying to actually build on, and even let some of them die off, or moved their inhabitants out....