以 VR 方式访问 Pip-Boy 就如同您所想的那样:只需抬起左臂,然后用另一只手调节,就可以访问不同的功能。另一个帮助 Commonweath 存活的有用工具是 Power Armor。通过以聚变反应堆芯为燃料(这是为了保持装备运转而需要您收集和补充的物质),您可以访问许多不同的版本,包括 T-45、T-51、T-60 和 X-01。 一旦...
Simple Power Armor HUD Endorsements 431 Unique DLs 13,725 Total DLs 22,901 Total views 55,307 Version 2.3.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 12 June 20249:26AM Original upload 28 April 202410:32PM Created by W0lfwang Pavel Gary55...
Power armor is a type of armor in Fallout 76. Power armor is not equipped in the usual sense of the word – it is a separate world entity that is entered from the back - the armor unfolds, the operator steps in, and then seals around them. To enter power
游戏中按键盘 "~" 键即可输入 ※输入时请注意大小写及空格※ player.setlevel #设置玩家等级为# player.additem 0000000F #获得指定数量的金钱(#为数字) tgm 无敌模式 tcl 穿牆模式 tmm 1 所有的地图标记(m跟1中间有space) player.setAV <能力> # 设置能力值(#为1-10)(sneak, barter等) player.setAV <...
Colored digital power armor HUDs with clear frames. READ DETAILED DESCRIPTION FOR THIS TO WORK PROPERLY.
# 设置特点为 # rewardKarma # 增加指定数目的Karma点 getXPfornextlevel (升一级的经验剩余) GetQuestCompleted 完成当前的请求/追踪 tfc 自由视角(截屏的时候很有用) tm HUD 开/关 (截屏的时候很有用) unlock 开启所有上锁的门或柜 etc. removefromallfactions 退出所有的派系 setpccanusepowerarmor <0...
These variables determine position of HUD, less the value wider the HUD (elements will move towards edges). (Fallout_Default.ini) fBlurIntensityPipboy=0.25– This variable determines brightness and haziness of the Pip-Boy (Fallout.ini).
Opening up the command console to type in your cheats is just a single keystroke away. While in the game (not paused), hit the~key located below your escape key. This will remove your HUD and bring up the prompt to type in any of the below cheats. ...
addtagskills # 增加指定数目#的技能点 getXPfornextlevel 升一级(或获得升一级的经验) GetQuestCompleted 完成当前的请求/追踪 tfc 自由视角(截屏的时候很有用) tm HUD 开/关 (截屏的时候很有用) tlv 树叶 开/关 tdt Debug模式 help 列出所有的命令...