「辐射哔哔小子&多色可选&时间位置」Fallout Pip-Boy Apple Watch表盘 2年前 501 「抽象&青色&黄色&洋红色」 Abstract Cyan Yellow Magenta 简约时尚Watch表盘 「抽象&青色&黄色&洋红色」 Abstract Cyan Yellow Magenta 简约时尚Watch表盘 2年前 464 「万花筒手表表面&多种图像样式」不只是银河系 More Than Galaxy...
pip boy and equip them. And fighting something it shows the thing that shows the damage and u can tap the body part with the equipped weapon. And the pip boy looks the same as usual and to move go to the pip boy and tap to move to the location. I HOPE U READ THIS BETHESDA ...
1 在游戏里按"~"开启控制台,输入完后再按"~"关闭即可modpca 属性名称 #属性名称对应的属性,比如luck,增加#点 (注意的是要分大小写)player.setAV 技能或属性名称 #将名称为"技能或属性名称"的技能或者属性的值设为# 比如 "player.setAV Luck 10" 注意空格哦, "."是句号player.additem 0000000F #增加#数...
Fallout Pip-Boy 的表盘 ## **设置属性** - 颜色:多色可选 - 照片:预设1张,可自定义,最多24张 - 时间位置:可设置在顶部或底部 - 复杂功能设置: `时间上方`、`时间下方`
Fallout Pip-Boy Games The Elder Scrolls: Castles Games DOOM II Games DOOM Games You Might Also Like See All American Dad! Apocalypse Soon Games On My Own Games Godus Games Medieval: Defense & Conquest Games Yes, Your Grace Games Zombie Shop Games Copyright...
In the Fallout games, when you're not listening to the original scores, you can tune into the last bastion of broadcasting in post-apocalyptic America through your Pip-Boy, the chunky wearable computer that proves your most crucial device. Through the radio function across the games, you can...
So far, in its early hours, I've been impressed with the game's highly detailed London environments, the reworking of classic Fallout tropes like the Pip-Boy, and the new characters, factions, and quests. Despite five years of development, it's still a little rough around the edges, with...
Amata Almodovar: "I've got the location right here on my Pip-Boy. Why?"Enclave soldier: "Excellent. That's all we need from her. Open fire."↑ Events of Fallout 2.↑ The Chosen One: "{150}{}{Yeah, okay. How do I find them?}"AHS-9: "{151}{}{The Enclave are a remnant ...
A well-run Vault requires a variety of Dwellers with a mix of skills. Build a Radio Room to attract new Dwellers. Or, take an active role in their personal lives; play matchmaker and watch the sparks fly! EXPLORE THE WASTELAND Send Dwellers above ground to explore the blasted surface left...
Cooper decided to check out Williams' claims, giving his wife a lift to a Vault-Tec building, tuned into her Pip-Boy. Unable to get a clear signal, he decided to gatecrash and wait for his wife inside the headquarters at a guest apartment, where he briefly interacted with a young ...