Item Code Fat Man Launcher 0000432C WeapNVAntiMaterielRifleStatic 001720BC WeapNVLightMachineGunStatic 001720BB WeapNVTrailCarbineStatic 001720BA WeapNVHuntingShotgunStatic 001720B9 WeapNVMacheteBoone 00176E59 WeapNV44RevolverRaul 00176E57 WeapNVCaravanShotgunCass 00176E55 WeapNVPlasmaDefender...
Inactive Window Scroll Fix - prevent scroll-wheel affecting windows outside NVKeep XP Bar Visible When Closing Menus - fix an oversight where the XP bar would disappear when closing menusLethal Hits Increase Limb Challenges - increase limb cripple/knockback challenges even if the attack killed the...
The Sorrows adorned outfit is a piece of clothing in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts. The Sorrows adorned outfit consists of a simple loincloth for males, with an additional sports bra-style top for females. It is decorated with necklaces, an
NV-style respawn for DC areas Tale of Two Wastelands has been included here! Thanks to KatArus for the permission to do so. Qwerty -Logic and Consistency Fixes- DM Item ownership, Helios One Sanity, Matching Doors Meowshly -Dog and God Encounter Uses the Medicine Skill- and Other Chang...
The weapon repair kit is a consumable item in Fallout: New Vegas. A consumable item that restores a percentage of the condition of the Courier's currently-equipped weapon, similar to the alien epoxy in the Fallout 3 add-on Mothership Zeta. The percentage
↑ Joshua Sawyer on Tumblr: "I wouldn't say it's one of the top quests of F:NV, but it is literally the first major quest we designed so our inexperience with the engine shows. It's been a long time since I've played Come Fly With Me, but IIRC there's a ton of back and ...
Without getting too technical, as you explore further in NV, more memory is required, and thanks to the limitations of the PS3's memory architecture, it's far more likely to run out of memory and lock up. Things are made even worse when you install the DLC, as these increase the ...
takeoffs and proceeding to the research labs, then finally exiting through the door marked "Door to REPCONN Facility," the game may freeze (but not crash) before the player exits the research labs, and remain frozen until one Alt+Tabs out of the game session and manually ends FalloutNV....
Editor ID NVDLC03AuralStealthsuit Form ID xx00C12F “We haven't seen anybody in a while... maybe the monsters have stealth suits too.”The stealth suit Mk II,[1] also called the aural stealth suit by Doctor Mobius and referred to by Doctor Borous as the psychoanalytic cardiac-dampening...