setgs fjumpheightmin– Higher jump, default is 75. setgsShows the amount for fjumpheightmin, fmoverunmult, fmovesneakmult. removefromallfactions– Remove player from all factions addreputation F X Y– Set player reputation with faction. (F = faction ID, X = 0/neg or 1/pos, Y = amo...
A list of all Gamebryo quest IDs in Fallout: New Vegas. These IDs and stages are useful for fixing broken quests. Use the console command setstage <quest id> <quest stage id>. Please note that some quests do not have stages.
The New California Republic Army (often abbreviated as NCRA) is the standing army of the New California Republic and one of the largest military forces in the wasteland.[2] Its reputation and ability were forged in the constant conflicts with raiders suc
Delay Post Combat Reputation Message Box - add a 3s delay after combat before the reputation changed message box will showDon't Save Duplicate Commands To Console History - prevent consecutive duplicate commands being stored in the sent historyEntering VATS Doesn't Unholster Weapon - allow entering...
Tinker Steps:Custom Proton: GE-Proton9-22, Set launch options, Changed configuration PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% Significant Bugs:Yes Sometimes randomly quits The "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%" command is put because i have NVSE and other mods installed. ...
↑TheCourier:"Are you the Legion's second-in-command?" Lucius:"No, Legate Lanius is Caesar's second. The Legate replaced the Burned Man after the Legion's defeat at the Dam several years ago." (Lucius' dialogue) ↑TheCourier:"Who is this Legatus you mention?" ...
This can be fixed by reloading the autosave. [verified] To advance the quest to the proper phase, where the footlocker containing the "radiation suit package" spawns, you can use the console ('~' key to open the console) and type: setstage 0014050D 15. More...
Joshua Sawyer: "His father (as a tabletop character) was named Mark Gannon. In F:NV, Arcade's father is never named."(Fallout: New Vegas: Old Thread, Something Awful forums) ↑ Joshua Sawyer: "Last week I was going through some packed boxes of books and I found my old binder for...
Go away, do a quest that alters reputation with another faction, and then retry the quest. ED-E's Enhanced Sensors perk sometimes fails to negate the stealth ability of the nightkin in the basement.[verified] No cutscene glitch: After handing over the second item and telling Haversam to ...
the Legion has weak sides. The extreme discipline and obedience of the lower ranks require a strong chain of command to exist, to guide the soldiers on the field of battle. Withoutdecaniandcenturions, the legionaries will become a disorganized mass, easy to rout and destroy. This reliance on...