ArmorNVPGPlain Powder Gang Plain Outfit 000A472F ArmorNVPGGuardArmor Powder Gang Guard Armor 000A4730 ArmorNVPGSimple Powder Gang Simple Outfit 000A4731 OutfitBennySuit Benny’s Suit 00104C23 VFSArmorCombatBlackVanGraff Van Graff Combat Armor 001251C9 ArmorPow...
This MOD has been integrated into T6M Equipment Replacer NV. Updates are not Subsequent updates will be included in the T6M Equipment Replacer NV. Name: T6M Female Power Armor Replace NV Version: 1.1.2 ...
The Math Wrath, Cherchez La Femme and Confirmed Bachelor perks, as well as Power Armor Training and Brotherhood of Steel reputation, give additional conversation options. When the Courier travels with Christine, she will be able to block out radio and speaker signals for a short time. She will...
Companions cannot wear power armor unless they have power armor training.Karma Brahmin-tipping now carries a karma penalty. It's not a harmless prank. You can really hurt a cow by pushing them over irl! Please don't do so, cows are sweet creatures. There is now a prompt that pops ...
Anyway, I considered the EWs in F:NV to have reached the point where they were starting to replace conventional weapons, but had not yet completely eclipsed them -- sort of like the early days of firearms, when they were still being used concurrently with bows."(Formspring) ...
Graham became a field commander, training the forces of the fledgling army and leading them in battle. His leadership position soon entailed retaliatory raids and terrorizing local tribes. When Sallow cast off his old name and crowned himself Caesar, lord of the Legion, Graham became the first ...
And, when they use CGI on the power armor (which is anytime it isn't obvious someone is attempting to pretend the armor is heavy and not power armor that moves quicker than that), it looks really bad. Like... Loony Toons level of animation. They know the CGI is bad, so you aren...
Creating a merged patch is the whole point of FO3Edit (and the NV version). You said you "gave that edit app a go" but if you didn't create a merged patch, then installing FO3Edit does nothing for you really. Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.– G.K. Chester...
ArmorNVPGPlain Powder Gang Plain Outfit 000A472F ArmorNVPGGuardArmor Powder Gang Guard Armor 000A4730 ArmorNVPGSimple Powder Gang Simple Outfit 000A4731 OutfitBennySuit Benny’s Suit 00104C23 VFSArmorCombatBlackVanGraff Van Graff Combat Armor 001251C9 ArmorPowerUnplayable Power Armor 00025083...
Wear Power Armor Without Training - allow wearing power armor without the Power Armor Training perkGameplay/Balance TweaksAgility Scales Jump Height - jump higher based on agilityAllow Entering VATS While Anims Play - allow entering vats while reloading, landing, firing etc....