The elite riot gear and elite riot gear helmet are a unique set of armor in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. Sometime before 2281, an officer of NCR riot control clad in the armor took up a sniping post in the area outside of the main missile
The NCR-Brotherhood War,(Note) referred to in the New California Republic as the Brotherhood War,[2] is a major conflict between the Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR that has thoroughly affected New California as well as areas around it, shifting its fragile balance of power. ...
Knight Christine Royce[2] is an ex-Brotherhood scribe and an operative of the Circle of Steel, and one of the three companions in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money. She also makes a brief appearance in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues
NCR Ranger (Ranger Station Charlie audio log 1, uncredited) Vault 11narrator (Automated solution response,Happy Trails, uncredited) Drill sergeant(uncredited) 2011Lonesome RoadDr. Whitley Tommy's dad Announcer(RALPHIE the Robot's Incredible Odyssey!) ...
Hanlon:"I told him we would take them back into NCR territory because we had already lost ten rangers on the way out. Ten rangers, five men with .308 rifles. Well, that was enough for them. They packed up what they could and we took them back north. Last I heard, they settled som...
If listening to the NCR Emergency Radio during the final battle for Hoover Dam, among the chatter about positioning snipers and reinforcing positions, one may hear the lines "They're coming out of the walls man! They're coming outta the damn walls." and "Game Over Man! GAME OVER!"[8]...
(the Legion is purely military), but as non-tribal people who live in areas under Legion control. While Caesar intentionally enslaves NCR and Mojave residents in the war zone, most of the enslavement that happens in the east happens to tribals. As Raul indicates, there are non-tribal ...
A few decades back, folks in the NCR started to hear about a community in northern Utah called New Canaan. Didn't know much about them, except that they were religious folks. Sent out missionaries to talk to the tribes. We've seen our share of cults, but the New Canaanites, they ...
But in All Roads we see NCR soldiers on horses.So the question is, was that part of Chase's drug induced hallucination, a dream, or was it to show us that horse are in the NCR?In the end, it's up the Bethesda, but we would like your view on this matter. Still Bethesda would ...