The gecko-backed metal armor is a type of armor in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts. It provides a Damage Threshold of 17 as well as increased resistance to fire, poison and radiation but also reduces Agility by 1, like all metal armors. It ha
Honest Hearts Van Buren “I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other.” 约书亚.格雷汉姆(曾名为马尔佩斯特使,坊间称为燃烧者)是一名摩门传教士,凯撒军团共同创始者, 以及军团的首任特使。 格雷汉姆指挥的第一次胡佛大坝之战以耻辱性的失败告终。凯撒决定杀一...
— Jed Masterson, Honest Hearts introSynopsisSee: Honest Hearts endings“An expedition into the unspoiled wilderness of Utah's Zion National Park goes horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a tribal raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave you become embroiled in a...
Honest HeartsVan Buren“I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on.”约书亚.格雷汉姆 (曾名为马尔佩斯特使,坊间称为燃烧者 )是一名摩门传教士,凯撒军团共同创始者, 以及军团的首任特使。
I always figured people would want to see the return of the .223 pistol, a unique 9mm pistol and sniper rifle seemed obvious, and when we made Honest Hearts, not including a unique .45 would have been a high crime. Over time, there were also gaps I saw that became opportunities for...
* Honest Hearts Letter * Simple DLC Delay * 5 Level SPECIAL * Harvestable Cave Fungus * Vanilla Intro Plus * Main Story Alterations * Outside Bets * Expanded Medical Clinic * JSawyer Ultimate Edition * JSawyer Ultimate Edition - GRA Merged ...
I wrote Joshua Graham and directed Honest Hearts, so I can speak more definitively to that. The limited reactivity Caesar could have about JG/HH wouldn’t really justify the expense of bringing John Doman back into the studio. And of course the new dialogue (minor as it might be) would ...
Salt-Upon-Wounds:"Sorrowsareweak. We go, find true warriors to test us!" (Salt-Upon-Wounds' dialogue) ↑Honest Hearts endings#White Legs ↑TheCourier:"Time to die, General Gobbledegook!" Salt-Upon-Wounds:"You mock White Legs! You die now!" ...
use a war between the Brotherhood of Steel and NCR respectively the struggle of NCR and Cesar's Legion over Hoover Dam as backdrop. Also the "Burned Man" Joshua Graham, who plays an important part in the Legion's recent history and the DLC Honest Hearts, was a companion in Van Buren....
Ulysses is a courier and former frumentarius of Caesar's Legion. He serves as the main antagonist of the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road as well as an unseen secondary antagonist in the add-ons Dead Money, Honest Hearts, and Old World Blues. Ulys