Yea, I have this same problem... Fallout New Vegas crashes to Desktop immediately upon loading. Its definitely an issue with Bethesda, because as
Fallout 3 & New Vegas Crashes on 24.1.1 I'm unable to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I can't even load a save or start a new game. Instant crash to desktop and removing all the mods, tweaks, INI settings or having the game in its vanilla state doesn't seem to have any ...
Show Weapon Ammo Use In Menus - show the ammo used per shot when viewing a weapon in the inventorySkip Load Game Confirmation Prompt - skip the confirmation prompt when loading a saveSleep Wait Slider Shows Wake Time - show the wake time on the sleep/wait slider...
They are not created by the SaveIniFiles console command. This is the only section, whose entries can also be found in the game settings in the G.E.C.K, if at least the Fallout.esm or FalloutNV.esm is loaded, with the same values. It is unknown, which of these settings would gain...
- True Nights | Has an invalid Image Space Adapter (IMAD) Record that will corrupt your save memory and has to be manually fixed.- War Of The Commonwealth | Seems to cause consistent crashes with specific spawn points or randomly during settlement attacks....
The three automatic save options above all save to a single autosave slot, which is distinct from the quicksave slot used when you press the F5 key, and the normal save slots created/used when you manually select the Save option. As a general piece of advice, it is strongly recommended ...
That worked, it gave a warning about loading the save "This save requires a mod, continue?" Continued, and it was fine. Audio issues fixed, and I haven't had any crashes. Probably put another 30 hours in already. Question about the Nuka-world DLC. I'm at the point "Talk to Shank...
Fixed an issue with loading save with a placed object in water, not properly floating Fallout 4 1.5 Steam Update (1.5.157) New Features New Survival difficulty Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger ...
Fallout NV doesn't work at all for me. Boots great and I can navigate around with my mouse, to include getting through the initial cut-scene, but the moment I hit any key on my keyboard it instantly crashes, with a crash log. I don't see anywhere to attach it in its entirety, bu...
Personally, I started on the PS3 and then switched to the Xbox 360 when the crashes became intolerable; between the initial aborted playthrough and the various crashes on the Xbox 360, I'd guesstimate that I've wasted around 20 hours of effort. In many ways, the only reason I persevered...