Caesar's Legion(Latin:Legio Caesaris),[1]also referred to simply asThe Legion, is an imperialistic slaver society and totalitarian dictatorship founded in2247byEdward "Caesar" SallowandJoshua Graham, built on the conquest andenslavementoftribal societiesin theMojave Wastelandand American southwest. To...
Caesar's Legion operates in accordance with a strict military hierarchy, based on the Legions of ancient Rome. Though the bulk of Caesar's soldiers have only improvised or low-tech weapons, their discipline, ferocity, and sheer numbers dampen the impact
Caesar's Legion Centurion Armor ReplacerCaesar's Legion Centurion Armor ReplacerEndorsements 7 Unique DLs 206 Total DLs 268 Total views 4,273 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 01 August 2024 5:59AM Original upload 01 August 2024 5:59AM Created by Dragbody - MaiYass Uploa...