- BIG MT and Frederick Sinclair at the Corporate Meeting - A sly dig by Robert House that Sinclair "Could Lose Money By Running A Casino". Perhaps an indirect reference to the Sierra Madre. - a photograph of Aaron Kimball during the Flame Mother ceremony - New Vegas itself appears in ...
Slightly northeast of the Big MT west tunnel is an abandoned military truck that has been cut in half by a hill. The truck's cargo bed contains several barrels of radioactive waste and it has a New Jersey license plate that reads "Rokit 88." ...
Lonesome Road: As of this writing,Lonesome Roadstill has a week to release. A little has been hinted at, through audio tapes in Big MT and the Bethesda Blog, but these don’t actually tell you anything about Ulysses or your history: he’s pissed, he’s coming for you, stay tuned. H...
MTUI 1.0 + PipWare UI New Vegas Edition 1.2c = (main menu changes from MTUI + PipBoy changes from PipWare UI) -> install the MTUI, find and delete "fallout new vegas\Data\Menus\loading_menu.xml" and "fallout new vegas\Data\Menus\main\map_menu.xml", then install PipWare UI with...
ArmorNVPGSoldier Powder Gang Soldier Outfit 000A472E ArmorNVPGPlain Powder Gang Plain Outfit 000A472F ArmorNVPGGuardArmor Powder Gang Guard Armor 000A4730 ArmorNVPGSimple Powder Gang Simple Outfit 000A4731 OutfitBennySuit Benny’s Suit 00104C23 VFSArmorCombatBlackVanGraff Van Graff Combat...
↑Memories of the Mojave With Chris Avellone - F:NV The Cutting Room Floor ↑Fallout: New Vegas10th Anniversary Charity Stream (reference starts at 2:19:16) Joshua Sawyer:"'What was the issue with Ulysses as a companion?' His dialogue was... his recorded dialogue was so big it literally...