在员工办公室,桌子上能拿到一本动力可乐配方(Nuka-Power recipe),桌子上还有核子世界电厂:员工终端机(Nuka-World power: employee terminal)。 核子世界电厂:员工终端机(Nuka-World power: employee terminal):“核子可乐企业(Nuka-Cola Corporation)财产。核子世界电厂(Nuka-World Power):员工站003(Employee Station 0...
2286年4月,科尔特(Colter)与二把手波特·加吉(Porter Gage)率领核子世界掠夺者(Nuka-World raiders)三大帮派血徒帮(The Disciples)、惑心帮(The Operators)和战狼帮(The Pack)一同占领了核子城(Nuka-Town),一些掠夺者(Raider)还攻进了银河区(Galactic Zone),肯德尔(Kendell)率领手下奋力反击,将掠夺者(Raider)击退。
Kom naar Nuka-World! Dit enorme pretpark was ooit gewijd aan de verfrissende smaak van Nuka-Cola, maar is nu een wetteloze stad vol plunderaars. Aan jou de taak om de orde in het Wasteland te herstellen (of juist niet) in deze add-on voor Fallout 4.
Power (displayed as Power for (Location Name)) is a Minutemen radiant quest in Fallout 4. This quest can be periodically obtained when entering an owned settlement that has at least one generator. The leader of the settlement will approach the Sole Survi
Fallout 4: Nuka-World 概述系统要求 描述 造訪〈Nuka-World〉,看看一座廣闊的遊樂園如今變成掠奪者無法無天的混亂城市。探索全新區域,踏上開放的廢土,闖入狩獵冒險、乾谷塢、兒童王國和銀河區等樂園區。帶領掠奪者的危險幫派份子四處征討聚落,脅迫聯邦乖乖聽話。〈Nuka-World〉內含全新任務、掠奪者、武器、生物和更多...
It’s been confirmed by one of the writers for Fallout, (A new one not the based Tim Caine’s Isometric writers) a man named Emil, that in the opening cutscene of Fallout 1 where it shows a POW being executed Nate is the one laughing in the power armor. Technically he did backpedal...
in order to be able to access the Nuka-Town USA/Ect workbench, you will need to finish ALL of Nuka-World and restore power, OR kill gage and FAIL an ambitious plan.The posted pictures are taken from inside creation kit, the lighting and stuff will look like it should in game.!STATUS...
Take a trip to Nuka-World, a vast amusement park originally dedicated to the refreshing taste of Nuka-Cola. Now a lawless city of Raiders, it's up to you to bring justice (or mayhem) to the Wasteland in this add-on for Fallout 4.
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一、 核子世界转运站(Nuka-World transit center)装了核子世界(Nuka-World)DLC后,就会自动接取到“请上车”的任务,在哔哔小子(Pip Boy)中打开电台,选择核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)。核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)广播内容包括核子世界主题曲(Nuka-World theme song)的浓缩摘录,接着是...