Threezero Fallout 4《辐射4》T-51 核子可乐机甲 NUKACOLA POWER ARMOR FIGURE 在E3游戏展Bethesda展位曝光: 转载请注明源自拆盒网(拆盒网-潮流玩具新媒体)并附带原文链接:Fallout 4《辐射4》T-51 核子可乐机甲 NUKACOLA POWER ARMOR FIGURE 网站| 微博:@拆盒网...
Fallout 4: T-51 Power Armor – Nuka Cola Armor pack (exterior armor pieces) details: T-51 Armor pieces are compatible with all previous threezero Fallout 4 Power Armor collectibles figures with endoskeleton; Special Nuka Cola color variation; ...
T-51 Nuka-Cola paint - A bright red with white trim and the Nuka-Cola logo emblazoned across the chest and shoulders. Found in TNT Dome #3 of Black Mountain Ordnance Works. T-51 prototype steel mill paint - A standard T-51 helmet with thick steel plating attached all across the front...
player.additem 0004835A 25; Nuka Cola Bottle player.additem 000AC91B 25; New Floral Barrel Vase player.additem 000AC917 25; New Floral Bud Vase player.additem 000AC8EE 25; New Floral Flared Vase player.additem 000AC8EA 25; New Floral Rounded Vase player.additem 000AC914 25; New Floral...
Fast Travel Requires Nuka Cola - make fast travel consume an Ice Cold Nuka or Nuka Quantum/Quartz/VictoryHold And Release Throwables - allows click and holding throwable weapons before throwing themInstant End VATS Hotkey - add hotkey MenuMode (the PipBoy key) to instantly exit a VATS ...
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Leanne: "{144}{}{Well this might take a bit. Be a gentleman and buy me a drink, wouldn't you please? Not whiskey though, Nuka-Cola please.}"The Chosen One: "{147}{}{Sure.}"Leanne: "{149}{}{Thanks. Now let's see... I remember my mom telling me about this huge migration...
This is a reference to the [[Nuka-Cola Truck (encounter)|Nuka-Cola Truck]] [[Fallout special encounters|special encounter]] in ''[[Fallout]]''.<ref name="LumpyNukaTruck">The [[Chosen One]]: ''"{123}{}{I'll take that as a yes.}"''Lumpy: ''"124}{}{You're goddamn right, ...