Fallout.ini is the configuration file in which the basic and default settings are deposited, the Gamebryo engine needs to run Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas properly on any personal computer. It contains values about audio and graphical options, backgr
uPipboyColor=452952319– Determines color for the PipBoy. (Fallout.ini). uHUDColor=452952319– Determines HUD color (Fallout.ini). Fallout New Vegas Graphics Tweaks iSize W=1920 iSize H=1080 Sets Resolution (works only in Windowed Mode). (FalloutPrefs.ini) fGamma=1.0000 fGammaMax=0.6000 f...
I'm unable to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I can't even load a save or start a new game. Instant crash to desktop and removing all the mods, tweaks, INI settings or having the game in its vanilla state doesn't seem to have any effect. Rolling back to previous version solve...
Windowed • Link By default, windowed mode only supports a limited number of resolutions. Edit windowed resolution[citation needed] Go to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\ Open FalloutPrefs.ini. Change the values of iSize W= and iSize H= to the desired resolution. Change the va...
Borderless Windowed Mode for Fallout New Vegas. Currently includes: Alt-tab functionality, Double Cursor fix, and of course Borderless Windows. 88KB 16.6k 587.9k Better Game Performance V5 Utilities Uploaded:26 Aug 2013 Last Update:26 Aug 2013 ...
Open “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Fallout_default.ini” and do the following: Change “bUseThreadedAI=0” to “bUseThreadedAI=1”. Right below that line add, “iNumHWThreads=2” (without the quotes). ...
Firstly, run the vanilla game first to make sure the game works. You may have to play in windowed mode for the first boot. Secondly, useRockerbacon's MO2 Linux fork and run through the steps.Thirdly, make sure you have vcrun2022 on the prefix you are using for New Vegas (either glo...
(Fallout4.ini or Fallout4Custom.ini) Enable(1) Disable(0) [Display]bScreenshotToFile=1 Change your (Fallout4.ini) fDefault1stPersonFOV=80.0000fDefaultWorldFOV=70.0000 Game in windowed mode. It allows you to position the game screen on the monitor in the window mode. ...
Windowed • Link By default, windowed mode only supports a limited number of resolutions. Edit windowed resolution[citation needed] Go to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\ Open FalloutPrefs.ini. Change the values of iSize W= and iSize H= to the desired resolution. Change the va...