("With how messed up New Vegas is, do you really think Caesar has nothing to offer?"),回答“我只是希望兼听则明”("I'm just trying to be open-minded."),+1点维基上说,凯撒就算被杀这些对话同样可以触发(?)但是不杀凯撒,还会有一段对话,这段对话在信使见完凯撒后,出帐篷的时候会触发:d....
这是在暗示鬼人的防毒面具以及致敬《神秘博士》的第一季第九集“空虚孩童(The Empty Child)”和第一季第十集“博士起舞(The Doctor Dances)”。 赤诚之心 双熊击掌本人 双熊击掌 一个名叫“双熊击掌(Two-Bears-High-Fiving)”的死马族人会从天使洞穴中冲出来。这是在致敬New Vegas Nexus论坛上的一个模组。该...
Appearances Fallout: New Vegas “You're getting too close, Shamus!”— Captain Curtis (Wild Wasteland only)Picus is a frumentarius of Caesar's Legion using the identity of Captain Ronald Curtis to infiltrate the New California Republic Army in Fallout: New Vegas. As "Captain Ronald Curtis",...
Fallout: New Vegas Add-ons (DLC) Characters Companions Creatures Factions Items Locations Quests Robots and computers SPECIAL Fallout 4 Add-ons (DLC) Characters Companions Creatures Factions Items Locations Quests Robots and computers SPECIAL Fallout 76 Atomic Shop Ap...
Faster Title Screen - remove the wait for the Fallout New Vegas logo to be at full alphaJump While Aiming - remove the block on jumping while aimingCompass Height Indicator - show whether an NPC is above or below the player on the compass as in Fallout 4...
缅因州(Maine)漠山岛(Mount Desert Island)上的阵营帮派主要有远港镇(Far Harbor)的港民(Harbormen)、阿卡迪亚(Acadia)的合成人(Synth)、原子核会(The Nucleus)的原子教徒(Child of Atom)和类似于掠夺者(Raiders)的陷捕者(Trapper)。原子猫(Atomcat)之前的派系属于正面派系,与玩家友好、不敌对;拾荒人(Scavenger...
Muerto is a ruthless mercenary that has been under the employ if NCR forces in the New Vegas area. He, along with other members of the Mojave Pack, have found themselves taking up the NCR's side over the dispute of Hoover Dam. (if only to fight their old nemesis, the Legion) Muerto...
放射线出现在所有的“辐射”游戏中。 幕后 在游戏中,辐射的危害程度比真实世界要小。 出现辐射病的常见症状(如恶心、呕吐)时的吸收剂量大约为1000 mGy 或 1Gy(100 rads)。 4000 mSv 或 4 Gy (400 rads) 的吸收剂量会在四到六周内导致50%的个体死亡。 6000 mSv 或 6 Gy (600 rads) 会在二到四周内导...
The naming convention for the series' episodes, in which the titles are a relevant word preceded by "The" (such as "The Head" or "The Ghouls"), is similar to the naming convention used for the quests in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. "The End" in particular is the ...
On the side of New Vegas, though the Three Families are outwardly grateful to Mr. House for pulling them up into the laps of luxury from the wasteland, in private long-standing grudges have been brewing, such as how the Omertas refer to House as "Mr. Not-At-Home" due to how untouch...