Fallout: New Vegas 武器 文明棍 要求 技能 Melee Weapons 50 力量要求 2 攻擊數據 傷害/攻擊 22 (30.6) DPS 50.8 (98.8) 暴擊傷害暴擊機率 35 x1 傷害/秒AP 2.3 (3.2) 27 其他 重量价值 3 {{#while: | FNV|}}40 耐久度 50 修理 Dress caneOne-handed melee Form ID 0011A8A0 辅助能力...
The war club is a weapon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts. 它们是取材自錫安峽谷质地坚硬的木材,并且会被雕刻成2英尺長的棍棒。它是死马部落的形象武器,战棍的striking end被雕刻成马头形状。 It has a special Lights Out attack that does 125% damag
Advertisement 6,508 个页面 辐射:新维加斯 Fallout 3 武器 战斗霰弹枪 要求 技能 Small Guns 攻击数据 伤害/攻击 55 (62.8) 伤害/炮弹 6.1 (7) DPS 82.5 (94.1) DPS (重新装填) 58.2 (66.4) 暴击伤害暴击几率 27x1 伤害/秒AP 1.527 落弹数散布 ...
Welcome to the Fallout New Vegas wiki! This wiki is designed to be your one-stop shop for all information on Fallout New Vegas and its modding scene. Much of the content here is created by you, the users. If you want to contribute, log in using your Nexus Mods account and start writi...
This weapon's sound will fail to play if the attack button is held and released continuously.[已验证] Sounds 展开 v·d·e Lonesome Road 展开 v·d·e Weapons inFallout: New Vegas 展开 v·d·e 肉搏
Big Guns is a skill in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3 and Fallout Tactics. Determines combat effectiveness with any weapon categorized as a "Big Gun". In Fallout: New Vegas, the skill was merged with Small Guns into the more general Guns skill, similar to
"Vault 34The armory was overstocked with weapons and ammo and not provided with a lock." ↑ New Vegas Official Game GuideCollector's Edition p.43:"Boomers At the beginning of the war, Nellis Air Force Base scrambled an enormous number of fighters and bombers to respond to...
Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas v3 Welcome to the New Vegas version of Classic Fallout Weapons! This mod injects scores of classic weapons into New Vegas with new sounds and classic ammo. Iron sights have been set for all appropriate weapons and the meshes have variations for showing (mos...
The Fallout: New California Wiki is the best resource for information on the massive Fallout: New Vegas mod.
I can't find any mention of companion's condition degradation in the wiki, i think it should be mentioned that since a patch (not sure which one) companions weapons and armor degrade just like the courier's. I've noticed that companions weapons degrade. But not armor. I'm not sure ...