I hope Fallout Miami and Fallout 4 New Vegas release before Apophis strikes the Earth and kills all life. ReplyGood karmaBad karma+3 votes Knez-Sep 15 2016- 1,415 comments Alright, so, Fallout 4. Played it for some time now, think i could say a thing or two. Compared to Fallout New...
The most likely Fallout release on the horizon is probably a remaster or remake ofFallout 3for current generation consoles.Fallout 3turns 10 on October 28, and Bethesda has released anniversary editions for its games in the past (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivionreceived a five-year anniversary it...
Rather than building up impossible expectations based on early builds and concepts that might not pan out, Bethesda by pushing the announcement so close to release is able to promote a game that it has actually made, instead of a game that it intends to make. This may disappoint players who...