A Memorable Character From Fallout: New Vegas' Dead Money DLC Dog/God is unique in that the character has two minds — a kind of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of theFalloutfranchise.A supermutant, Dog is a nightkin who aids the Brotherhood of Steel's Father Elijah. The character's alternate...
Appearances Fallout: New Vegas “You give Lupa a worthy death in the arena, and her brain is yours. Don't let your guard down just because she's old, though.”— AntonyLupa is a mongrel living at the Fort in 2281. Contents 1 Background 2 Interactions with the player character 2.1 ...
Appearances Fallout: New Vegas “Ave, true to Caesar.”Recruit legionaries are members of Caesar's Legion living in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. They form the backbone of the Legion and are the most common type of legionary. Contents 1 Background 2 Interactions with the player character ...
Reputation in Fallout: New Vegas is a measurement of how the different factions in the Mojave Wasteland perceive the player character. It is affected by positive and negative deeds that affect the faction in question, such as completing quests or killing members, respectively. ...
Races - Modified Tag this mod About this mod Overhaul of characters in Fallout with new headmeshes, high resolution texture maps and a lot more. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Spanish Mandarin Italian German Changelogs Donations...
Updated the Text Edit menu, used for typing the player character’s name, with the improved VUI+ background and a couple more tweaks. Cleaned up and streamlined the Start menu to use the same code for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Hiding undiscovered locations from the compass should no longer...
This is also true of the player character.Fallout 4Power armor has undergone substantial changes in both size and gameplay mechanics as opposed to Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. Instead of being treated as a suit of armor that is equipped from the Pip-Boy, it is instead treated as a ...
Feel the Heat in New Vegas! Not even nuclear fallout could slow the hustle of Sin City. Explore the vast expanses of the desert wastelands – from the small towns dotting the Mojave Wasteland to the bright lights of the New Vegas strip. See the Great Southwest as could only be imagined...
Gross, irradiated creatures. While the horror aspects from Fallout 3 have been toned down, and civilization is much larger, the transition from post-nuclear Washington D.C. to an empty desert is rather strange. Spoilers Edit Australia MA15+ ...
约书亚.格雷汉姆 (当时他的称号是“绞刑人”)最初出现在范布伦计划中,在此版本中他将是一个可招募的队友,也是数据上最优秀的队友,不过从某些方面来说他很邪恶,而且会让主角的游戏过程充满麻烦。He was intended to be a "jinxed" non-player character, like the pariah dog. ...