Long-fuse dynamite2 MFC grenade1 Nuka-grenade1 Plasma grenade2 Pulse grenade2 4 Tin grenade1 Unique weapons are listed with bold text. 1 Normal holdout weapon: May be concealed regardless of Sneak skill. 2 Improved holdout weapon: May be concealed if Sneak ≥ 50. 3 May only be ...
Grenades Bio-gas canister· Cryo grenade· Frag grenade· Nuka-grenade· Plasma grenade· Pulse grenade Mines Bottlecap mine· Cryo mine· Frag mine· Plasma mine· Pulse mine Cut content Accessible (Black Bart's Bane)· (Breaker)· (Clover's Cleaver)· (Curse Breaker, Excalibat)· (Discharg...
- Added weapons: .32 pistol, Chinese pistol, Chinese assault rifle, Assault rifle, Lever-action rifle, 25mm grenade APW, Plasma pistol, Plasma defender, Pulse pistol, Alien atomizer, Laser RCW, Tri-beam laser rifle, Multiplas rifle, Plasma rifle, Holorifle, LAER, Gauss rifle, Alien disintegr...
you can go around with a sniper rifle on your back and try to take down your enemies before they see you, or you can go in with an assault rifle, or an SMG, or a plasma rifle, or a laser rifle for that matter. you can be noisy and rush in with your grenade MG, or with ...
An explosive device, such as a frag grenade, frag mine, plasma grenade or pulse variant, can be planted on an NPC via pickpocketing. The explosive will then appear as "Live," and cannot subsequently be removed or used by the NPC. Immediately after closing the inventory window, the target ...
Plasma Grenade200 Denarius, 275 Caps, 350 NCR Dollars A magnetically sealed plasma delivery unit, with detonating explosives. The microfusion core creates a blast of superheated plasma on contact. Min. ST: 4 W: 0.50 lb. Dmg: 4D10+10, Rng: 15, AP S: 4, T:5 Dmg Type: Plasma, ...
WeapNVPlasmaDefenderArcade 00174094 WeapNVAssaultCarbineLily 00174093 WeapNVSlaveBackPack 00171B48 WeapNVMacheteGladiator 00167685 WeapNVKnifeCombatUnique 00162C92 WeapNVMinigunUnique 001629B6 WeapNVMissileLauncherUnique 00162019 WeapNVThrowingKnife 00161246 WeapNVGrenadeMachinegunUnique 0015FFF4 Weap...
Clean first person animations for New Vegas. No new idles, no bugs, no reload cancelling from shooting early or crouching, no compatibility issues.Now with kNVSE!Please see the
Update 1.2:- A bunch of new spears- Added Tesla Grenade and Tesla Proximity Grenade- Added Tesla Makeshift Grenade and Tesla Makeshift Proximity Grenade (unstable version that sparks every time it hits the ground even before it blows up)- Adjusted stats so now unlike vanilla spears, you can ...
There is only one exception to the noise-rule: if it is made by an approaching grenade, the enemy will be alerted unless V.A.T.S. is engaged, in which case the enemy in question will scream about the grenade but it WILL count as a sneak attack (this has no effect however as ...