While the horror aspects from Fallout 3 have been toned down, and civilization is much larger, the transition from post-nuclear Washington D.C. to an empty desert is rather strange. Edit Australia MA15+ France 18 Japan ZCERO New Zealand ...
Reputation in Fallout: New Vegas is a measurement of how the different factions in the Mojave Wasteland perceive the player character. It is affected by positive and negative deeds that affect the faction in question, such as completing quests or killing
Chris Avellone, a designer for Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas, was more critical of the show. While he found it entertaining to watch and congratulated Todd and the crew for actually managing to create a Fallout show, he still felt the show exhibited poor craftmanship, felt uneven, and ...
问题来自Twitter/Facebook/Blog上玩家所提出的部份,由J.E. Sawyer回答,翻译如下:·《辐射:新维加斯》里准备新增多少个额外能力(perk)?JS:非常多,我们移除了一些旧的Perks,修改了一些已有的Perks,同时也添加了不少新的。我们相信新的Perk系统将让玩家在选择时更难取舍。·《辐射:新维加斯》版本的GECK会随著游戏...
5.开局,玩家我们得到的装备在整个《fallout:new vegas》里都是独一无二的,请不要出售也不要抛弃(毕竟交易和修理技能都比较弱),如果担心负重问题,可以把它们存放到米歇尔医生的家/维克托的家,这是清泉镇两个可以长期存放物品且比较保险的地方。 6.我们可以选择得到两个perk,它们各有各用处,并不会因为乱选而导致...
i mean ive seen points in new vegas where you get one maybe two options #36 - zenagirl Reply+41 I've always been a massive fan of Fallout and I was super excited for Fallout-4's release but was very let down by how minimal the immersion was because of the lack of dialogue wi...
(Fallout: New Vegas endings; Slide 15: Great Khans) ↑Vault13.gam: "DESTROY_FOLLOWERS :=0; // (129) // did the player deliver the bomb?" ↑vault13.gam:"FOLLOWER_STEALTH_HELP :=0; // (62) // did the Followers offer to sneak player in Children of Cathedral?
New Vegas Bounties This is the first mod in a series of adventures that adds a series of quests where you can play as a bounty hunter. Your mission is to hunt down the most malevolent and vile assortment of outlaws in the Mojave Wasteland. Be prepared for a challenge though, these scum...
在大恐龙嘴巴面对的方向,也是布恩、曼尼时刻提防的方向,有一个叫做纳尔逊的地方,那里原本是NCR的营地,也是一个像诺瓦克的小镇,但是军团渡船来袭,现在已经变成了军团的营地,威胁到一线生机的生存。 我们一直沿着公路走,可能会遭遇军团刺客,在抵达纳尔逊附近时候,一名叫做米洛的游骑兵会拦住我们,提醒前面就是地狱。假如玩家...
Fallout: New Vegasis one of the best role-playing video games mixed together with a post-apocalyptic action game. Which should not be surprising judging by the fact, that it is a part of a well-acclaimed Fallout series.Ultimate Editionas the name suggest, contains all DLC's which were cre...