其次,与他交谈过往,尽量全部点完,我们了解到苦泉镇发生的事情,以及晚上代班的狙击手布恩失去了妻子的笔记。 等到夜晚,可以看到布恩前来接班,等他就位后交谈,接到“One for My Baby”任务,要帮助他寻找到杀害他妻子的人,这对于我们一个外来人来说是比较安全的做法。接下,拿到布恩帽子,将确定的罪人引导大恐龙嘴巴...
A list of all Gamebryo quest IDs in Fallout: New Vegas. These IDs and stages are useful for fixing broken quests. Use the console command setstage <quest id> <quest stage id>. Please note that some quests do not have stages.
If Smiling Troublemaker or better, Jeannie May Crawford (Cliff Briscoe instead if Jeannie is dead following the One for My Baby quest or for any other reason) will give the player the key to the vacant room at the Dino Dee-lite Motel upon being spoken to again. If Good-Natured Rascal ...
Fallout: New Vegas Lista de videos 8.5Fallout 4 Lista de videos 9.4Fallout 2 Lista de videos 9.2Fallout Lista de videos 8.9The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Lista de videos 9.3The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Lista de videos 4.7Fallout 76 Lista de videos 9.1BioShock Lista de videos ...
Deathclaws appear in Fallout: New Vegas, its add-on Lonesome Road and one in Old World Blues. BugsIn V.A.T.S., the head of a deathclaw mother seems to be its neck instead of its actual head. [verified] Deathclaws do not attack the player character when they are mounted on taller ...
重返昔日废土:辐射新维加斯(Fallout New Vegas) 应朋友要求加入个人评分。谁让懒惰的读者都不爱看长文的,悻悻。 [牛头人喷歌]战略航空军指数:87 游戏质量分:80令人激赏的亮点,同类型游戏的首推 航空军修正: +5你玩过Fallout2的话就可以来泪流满面了...
Marcy: My fondest New Vegas memory was taking the solar array gun and shooting Caesar with it while he was mid dialogue, evaporating him out of the game in a single shot. In comparison, I think this Caesar is the one capable of doing that to your opponents quite easily if he’s allowe...
Fallout: New Vegas console commands 3 Sugar Bombs (Fallout 76) 4 Fallout 4 perks 5 The: Sierra Petrovita:"Well, okay. To be honest I'm so excited I can barely keep it in! It'll be a relief to finally tell someone. I guess you could think of me as the world's biggest Nuka-Col...
Fallout 4: Directed by Todd Howard. With Brian T. Delaney, Courtenay Taylor, Stephen Russell, Courtney Ford. In the post-apocalyptic Boston, Massachusetts area, you play as the "Sole Survivor" of Vault 111, recently revived from centuries of forced cryos
I owned a box copy of this baby and couldn't play it without loads of grief for a long time. Even with the unofficial patches and mods to run it it'd still crash like crazy. I like New Vegas'n all but FO3 always had a special place in my heart, it got me hooked. I own NV...