Long-fuse dynamite2 MFC grenade1 Nuka-grenade1 Plasma grenade2 Pulse grenade2 4 Tin grenade1 Unique weapons are listed with bold text. 1 Normal holdout weapon: May be concealed regardless of Sneak skill. 2 Improved holdout weapon: May be concealed if Sneak ≥ 50. 3 May only be ...
The Nuka-grenade is a weapon added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Gun Runners' Arsenal. An extremely powerful improvised explosive that incorporates the radioactive properties of a relatively rare Nuka-Cola variant to produce an enhanced plasma blast
Fallout: New Vegas console commands 3 4 5 Advertisement Nukapedia: The Fallout Wiki 52,575 pages in:Fallout 3 locations,Citadel English Sign in to edit Fallout 3 location The Citadel The Pentagon Asentry bot, aknight, and PaladinBaelguard the main gate of the Citadel ...
Nuka-Grenade100 Denarius, 175 Caps, 240 NCR Dollars Nuka grenades are essentially a tin can filled with just the right amounts of drano cleaners, bleach, and that ever-so-hard to find Nuka-Cola Quantum! These little guys shower your opponents in an effervescent blue inferno inflicting ...
WeapNVGrenadeFragHoly 0014EA5A WeapNVThrowingHatchet 0014DE1D WeapNVGrenadeStun 0014DDDF WeapNVGrenadeIncendiary 0014DDDE WeapNVThrowingSpear 0014D2AC WeapNVCleaverUnique 0014D2AA WeapNVStraightRazorUnique 0014D2A7 WeapNVDetonatorLoyal 0014C068 WeapLaserRifleUnique 001479B3 WeapNVDogTag...
The Nuka-Grenade from GRA has been completely reworked as a Toxic Grenade, and it deals strong poison and radiation damage, as well as a substantial debuff to Endurance and Health. It is crafted with Science, rather than Explosives. The Flashbang has been radically improved. The regular stat ...
- 25mm grenade - Electron charge pack - Energy cell Requirements: Far Harbor DLC (DLCCoast.esm) Nuka-World DLC (DLCNukaWorld.esm) Automatron DLC (DLCRobot.esm) Installation: 1) There is a three files in archive: New Vegas Weapons - Main.BA2, New Vegas Weapons - Textures.BA2 and New...
The abandoned warehouse is an unmarked location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. Situated directly east of the Allied Technologies offices, the location consists of a single room, with half an open space with several file cabinets and desks
Completing the quest “Bleed Me Dry” is well worth the effort. In addition to the loot in the cave, which includes Deathclaw Eggs, T-45d Power Armor, a T-45d Power Helmet, a mix of normal and incendiary 40mm grenades, and “Mercy,” a special 40mm automatic rapid fire grenade launch...
Cookable Grenades - holding a grenade before throwing it decreases its fuseDouble Jump - allow jumping in mid-airFaster Title Screen - remove the wait for the Fallout New Vegas logo to be at full alphaJump While Aiming - remove the block on jumping while aiming...