Not sure if it will work for everyone, but it did for me. I have an AMD 5700 XT, Windows 10, AMD 24.3.1. I was having issues launching the game. Launcher menu would appear but after pressing Play the game would crash. There is a mod on Nexus Mods called "Intel HD graphics...
You can force VSync off in Fallout: New Vegas by editing a command variable found in theFallout_default.inifile in theProgram Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonfallout new vegasdirectory. Make a backup copy of this file first, then open it with a text editor like Windows Notepad, and alter t...
It is safe to install, configure, update or uninstall mid-playthrough (a new save is not required).When updating, the mod's INI will be automatically filled with any new settings after launching the game - you do not need to reconfigure settings when updating....
Start the game once by launching the game, clicking play, and then exiting the game when you can. This will create the ini file that we will be editing below. Open “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Fallout_default.ini” and do the following: Change “bU...
Nuke the file, and try launching the game.AWESOME, this worked for me! Must have been the 1 file Steam couldn't verify/validate. Katie Louise Ingram Posts: 3437 Joined: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:10 am » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:51 am ITs got to be my graphic card ... damn HD ati...
I was launching NMM, it froze on me once or twice, and it was going into a "suspended" state (in Windows 10).. I knew this because I checked the Windows Task Manager. And if you are in this situation and don't see the app listed, hit the little "more details" button at the ...
With this fix I am able to install Steam, install Fallout 3, configure the game, and launch it without errors. Have had no issues with Windows Live. HargenVaderTuesday 10 November 2015 at 5:53 HargenVader Warning This update has not been approved yet by the team. ...
-UI: Using f1/f2/f3/ctrl-Up/Down to switch items in the edit windows has been streamlined. -Quest list: Fixed for FalloutNV. (known issue: some NewVegas mods/dlc have some discrepancies with more than one DIAL subtree in their database, the quest list will not be handled correctly in...