Join Beta close All games Fallout New Vegas Mods Quests and Adventures Fallout - New California Endorsements 39,082 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version 2.3.1 Download: Manual Last updated 09 April 20204:37AM Original upload ...
Chinese - Fallout New California guest Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close All games Fallout New Vegas Mods Gameplay Effects and Changes Chinese - Fallout New California...
This is the official wiki for the total conversion mod and unofficial prequel,Fallout: New California,forFallout New Vegas. This wiki is for original characters, items, locations, and other content added byFallout: New California- for pre-existing content from theFalloutuniverse, please visittheFal...
Ultrajet Gameplay articles:Fallout 3,Fallout: New Vegas,Fallout 4,Fallout: New California A unique form of Jet created by the ghoul chemistMurphy. As the original Jet has a very limited effect onghouls, due to their physiology, Murphy sought to enhance its properties by combining the original...
Today i want to share my expenience in a game which is called Fallout New Vegas made by Obsidian.I played this game for two times,and in the first time i did not really immerse in it.I just played it in a very fast way,just complete the main line,do not explore anythingelse,so ...
重返昔日废土:辐射新维加斯(Fallout New Vegas) 应朋友要求加入个人评分。谁让懒惰的读者都不爱看长文的,悻悻。 [牛头人喷歌]战略航空军指数:87 游戏质量分:80令人激赏的亮点,同类型游戏的首推 航空军修正: +5你玩过Fallout2的话就可以来泪流满面了...
Fallout: New VegasVan BurenMentioned inFalloutFallout 3“The Vipers are a crazy bunch from up north. They worship snakes, or something.”— Killian DarkwaterThe Vipers are a band of raider-tribals with a profound shamanistic nature originating from Vault 15 in New California, alongside two ...
Current stage: Fallout: New Vegas. Fallout TV series Kumail Nanjiani has been cast as a "high-ranking official" in the Brotherhood of Steel. Filming of season 2 in Los Angeles has been slowed due to the California wildfires. The series has won Best Adaptation at The Game Awards 2024!
Red = Primary locations Blue = Vaults Early concept of the Fallout: New Vegas map, explained by Chris Avellone during the Rezzed 2013 Developer Sessions. It features several names which were eventually cut from the game.[1] Locations mentioned on th