3 things I want in Fallout 5 after watching Amazon’s Fallout series Faction and reputation cheats addreputation<form id><variable><amount>— Increases your reputation with a faction. removereputation<form id><variable><amount>— Lowers your reputation with a faction. setreputation<form id><varia...
removereputation <base_id> <variable> <amount> Removes reputation with a specified faction. Replace “variable” with “0” for infamy reputation, or “1” for fame. 0 is the lowest value that can be attained. Set Reputation setreputation <base_id> <variable> <amount> Sets your reputation ...
Fallout New Vegas Console Tweaks Console commands provide a wide range of commands to alter game in many ways. For new users Console is opened by ‘~’ key, type ‘help’ and press enter to get list of all commands. However, steam wont let you obtain achievements if you use console comm...
Opening up the command console to type in your cheats is just a single keystroke away. While in the game (not paused), hit the ~ key located below your escape key. This will remove your HUD and bring up the prompt to type in any of the below cheats. All Fallout: New Vegas console ...
↑Fabulous New Vegas sign as depicted inAtomic Command ↑Shanghai Sally: Casino Shootout pp. 462-463: Though Mr. House's missile defense grid performed admirably, the Great War was in actuality the day of his greatest setback. Having spent decades preparing for the statistical inevitability of...
”— Fallout: New Vegas loading screen 极奢豪是一间以富丽堂皇的奢华外表包装着不为人知秘密癖好的赌场酒店。由白手套协会经营,提供赌城区内最上流的服务及体验。里头的员工及协会大家庭们都穿着光鲜亮丽,谈吐得宜,举止得体。赌场以顶级肉食餐厅:饕餮;其鸡尾酒吧:Top Shelf;和其艺术画廊著名。转轮盘和21点是...
You also get any negative faction and reputation consequences.The Vertibird will shoot down everything in the area, including you and your soldiers. Any actor caught in the explosion radius will be dead.Nuke that molerat from orbit - it's the only way to be sure!Press the Command Radio ...
Map Marker Reputation Shows Faction Name - show (Faction name - reputation) when hovering over a location, e.g. (NCR - Neutral)Map Markers Show Distance - show the distance to the hovered location marker in the Map MenuMap Recenter Hotkey - Y button or R key centers on player, Enter ...
Emphasized Karma strings; formatted Reputation icon & strings according to the looks of Karma and removed redundant faction name under the faction icon -- the name is already displayed at the selected list item and this is a standard convention in the game’s UI. The Reputation string is moved...
If I had an entire battalion of stone cold killers like them under my command, I'd have the entire region buttoned up in a month!”— An NCR officer to an underling By “The Packs... Rise... Of many... Will come... One.”—Fragments of a radio signalreputed to be from Three ...