”— Joshua Sawyer, responding to a question whether weapons in New Vegas would really work due to age“Nah, I’m satisfied with them. Fallout 1 and 2 delved into 90s weapons designs (e.g. the P90c) and the mid-90s is when the M4/Picatinny rails entered the scene. There are a ...
Answer: The plans are to add all weapons which allows technical capabilities of Fallout 4 Engine and which is not presented in Fallout 4, including weapons from Fallout 3. Question: What is the weapons adding order? Answer: First place there will be firearms which don't need new ammunition,...
Welcome to the New Vegas version of Classic Fallout Weapons! This mod injects scores of classic weapons into New Vegas with new sounds and classic ammo. Iron sights have been set for all appropriate weapons and the meshes have variations for showing (most) weapon mods. Mods added by CFW req...
Throughout the many hours spent playing Fallout, the need to findbigger and better weaponsalways lingered. With over 500 hours of experience on the last two installments of the series (Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas) I have seen pretty much all the Wasteland can throw at you, whether it...
Mod adds weapons from Vegas. All weapons have their unique sounds. Reload animations are "fitted" under Fallout 4. Retained all original modifications and added some new one. All weapons can find as any other weapon, buy, find on enemies and etc....
buildings, and more. What it won’t change is how the sky, water, clothing, NPCs, weapons, and a handful of other things appear. It also does not work with any DLC. Still, the majority of things you will be seeing get a great visual buff here to help breathe new life into the wa...
makes some of the early game weapons a bit stronger for the people that dont have the caps or item space for better weaponry
Weapons and armor have durability and will need to be repaired occasionally using in-game materials, although White Knight can slow down armor deterioration. Repair kits can also be used which may be purchased or sometimes given out for free from the Atomic Shop, may be obtained after completing...
The combat has improved what times of new weapons being introduced in this game. Fallout 4 has a big open world with new lore and tons of places to explore. And like very other fallout game it's gives you so many choices for you to complete the main quest line and all the side ...
I'm currently using Boone and seem to have some odd results with his items. First I put the Ratslayer and some ammo in his inventory and he equipped it but that dosen't make sense because his original rifle is significantly more powerful; do they always equip weapons you give them over...