Dead Wind Cavern is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. Situated near Primm Pass and south of the REPCONN test site, past Harper's shack, the entrance of the cave rests at the end of a long, shallow valley running northeast to south
b.回答“我就是想听听凯撒怎么说”("I just want to hear Caesar out."),+1点c.当阿凯德问你“在看到把新维加斯弄到这样一团糟后,你真的觉得凯撒不该说点什么吗?”("With how messed up New Vegas is, do you really think Caesar has nothing to offer?"),回答“我只是希望兼听则明”("I'm ...
“The pinnacle of New Vegas refinement and class, the Ultra-Luxe casino is home to the most discriminating White Glove Society and their pampered guests.”— Fallout: New Vegas loading screen 极奢豪是一间以富丽堂皇的奢华外表包装着不为人知秘密癖好的赌场酒店。由白手套协会经营,提供赌城区内最上流...
Welcome to the Courier's Guide to the Mojave Wasteland, a comprehensive guide to the real world equivalents of each Fallout: New Vegas in- game location and on-location character cosplay collection. My name is Kate and I am glad you are here! This projec
Fallout: New Vegas location 紧急应对机厂概述 游戏信息 1 地图标记 紧急应对机厂 地图 世界地图 紧急应对机厂是辐射:新维加斯里的一个地点。它位于新加州共和国惩戒所不远的铁轨处,距离普瑞姆山口很近。Legionary assassins may spawn north of here if the Courier has a poor reputation with Caesar's ...
New Vegas is a post-War city established in the ruins of the pre-War city of Las Vegas, Nevada in the Mojave Wasteland,[1][2] with the most prominent fixture being the New Vegas Strip controlled by the enigmatic Mr. House and his Three Families who gover
The Hidden Valley bunker is an unmarked location within Hidden Valley in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. For years after their crippling loss to the New California Republic during Operation: Sunburst, when the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel was driven from the HELIOS On...
↑ Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition pp. 418-419: "[6.06] NelsonNelson was a second NCR outpost, as the Republic slowly gained ground along the Colorado River to stem the tide of the Legion's advancement across Arizona. But Caesar struck back, razing Nelson, and ...
The Long 15 is a location in the Mojave Wasteland added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. In pre-War days, U.S. Interstate 15 ran through the state of California as well as parts of Nevada. In the post-War wasteland, following the creatio
Fallout: New VegasFallout 76FalloutFallout 4Fallout 3Fallout 2Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of SteelRobert HouseFallout (TV series)Fallout Bible More 16 9 AnonymousUser20752·4/27/2024in Lore Discussions Nate is a War Criminal! I just found out about this, possibly one of the funniest fuck up...