All games Fallout New Vegas Mods Miscellaneous Milei House Milei HouseEndorsements 9 Unique DLs 75 Total DLs 80 Total views 2,511 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 19 January 2024 12:37AM Original upload 19 January 2024 12:37AM Created by JustMe Uploaded by augusto44417...
(Mr. House, the Vegas families, NCR, or Caesar), the Boomers have the same response: artillery. While the Boomers' attitude has kept away trouble, all of the major players around New Vegas want to get on the tribe's good side. People simply have no idea how to accomplish that. As ...
Emily Ortal appears only in Fallout: New Vegas. Bugs Sometimes Emily may not appear in-game. [已验证] After bugging Mr. House's computer network, Emily Ortal may not appear outside the Lucky 38, where the quest objective is. [已验证] On PC, she can be made to reappear by typing...
Replaces the Penthouse monitor Mr House and the Securitron Mr House with Dr House from the show House MD
Fallout New Vegas T-Virus Mod. You play as a non infected civilian in zombie infested Sydney, Australia. Fallout: Tale of Liberation Feb 9 2025 Released Feb 9, 2025 Role Playing A large compilation of mods designed to overhaul Fallout 3 & New Vegas (Tale of Two Wastelands) into one awe...
这两个势力就是游戏中最庞大的势力,他们的军事力量散布在莫哈韦沙漠的各处,而控制着新维加斯的豪斯先生(Mr. House)则在这两个庞然大物之间狡猾地走着钢丝……哦,这三家每一家可都大有来头,都是会令辐射老玩家们感到亲切的势力。 对于辐射2的老玩家来说,NCR实在是个太熟悉的名字了。在辐射1里,从15号...
Mr. House is here to stay, and you have to either disable or kill him. If you kill Mr. House, you will meet Yes man at the Tops casino and then accompany him to the “Lucky 8”. This is a brief description of what happens in Fallout: New Vegas. This game can be described as ...
Mr. House, President and CEO BPhillipYork: It’s a strange ability and I don’t actually remember Mr. House himself being particularly lucky, but the game had a lot of luck themes, so that’s fine. There’s a really kind of strange interaction with say, Urza, Lord High Artificer here...
Experience all the sights and sounds of fabulous New Vegas, brought to you by Vault-Tec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation. Explore the treacherous wastes of the Great Southwest from the safety and comfort of your very own vault: Meet...
Except… nah. Emil Pagliarulo (writer/director of Fallout 3 & 4) saidNew Vegas is canon, Todd Howard (Bethesda man) saidNew Vegas is canon. They showed a pre-war Mr. House in the goddamn show! “Ackshually, the games say that Mr. House predicted when the bombs would fall, which ...