The NCR Veteran Rangers are the elite members of the New California Republic Rangers in service to the New California Republic, encountered in Fallout: New Vegas. Considered to be the best of the best among their peers, Veteran Rangers have served long e
NCR Ranger patrol armor, CND +85%, DT +6 = 663瓶盖。 NCR回收动力装甲, CND +85%, DT +7 = 5,100瓶盖。 NCR Ranger combat armor, CND +86%, DT +8 = 12,873瓶盖。 Sierra Madre helmet, reinforced, +100%, DT +3 = 1,700瓶盖。 Sierra Madre armor, reinforced, +99%, DT +9 = 1...
ArmorPowerNCRSalvaged 0013316A ArmorGannonTeslaHelmet 00133169 ArmorGannonTesla 00133168 ArmorPowerRemnantsHelmet 00133167 ArmorPowerRemnants 00133166 ArmorNVNCRRangerCombat 00129254 ArmorCombatReinforced 00126500 ArmorMetalReinforced 001264FF ArmorLeatherReinforced 001264FE ArmorCombatBlack 0010D8DC ...
This weapon is especially useful for players who wish to acquire NCR Ranger armor from an NPC without having to deal with the consequences of their actions. The AMR comes in handy as itsincredible long range and accuracyallows players to sneak attack NCR Rangers from a distance of over 100 y...
最初,枯井只能通过前往棉花丛湾并乘坐驶往枯井的船到达,此外,只有在向军团领土或军团和NCR领土一起发射分水岭导弹,完成启示录任务后才能到达。在访问它之后,枯井的地图标记变成了一个快速旅行点。 该地区包括几座被烧毁的帐篷和摇摇晃晃的建筑物,沿着一条道路,从一条被辐射的河流延伸到一个大坑。试图进入火山口会...
672,874 Version V3 Download: Manual 59 items Last updated 25 May 20186:52PM Original upload 31 October 201711:34PM Created by NCRranger5x aka FoVet Uploaded by NCRranger5x Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Lore-Friendly Fair and balanced ...
NCR Ranger Complete unoctium 86.8k 489 Misc Hairstyles 1-6 deleted2368162 82.6k 163 Fallout 4 Mod - Resurrection wehrberus 81.9k 365 Soon on nexus L0rd0fWar 76.3k 675 CBBE - Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer Zimta 75.9k 124 How to run Fallout 4 in Ultra Wide 21 by 9 chris...
The location in New Vegas would supply the NCR and other people in the area (hopefully allied with the NCR) in the war against Caesar's Legion while the location in Seattle would supply the NCR-allied city-states there to help in finally reunifying the city. Dale Willis was told, even ...
↑ The presence of Ranger Gond in Fallout 2 and ghoul NCR Veteran Rangers in Fallout: New Vegas ↑ The Chosen One: "{107}{}{Who are you?}"Marcus: "{124}{mcs7}{I’m Marcus. Helped build the place. Now I’m sheriff.}"The Chosen One: "{125}{}{You helped build this place?
● Scale: 10 CM - 20 CM - 30 CM (Scalable according to your preferences: parts maintain exact location when importingfiles)● Includes the complete figure in one piece● Available in individual pieces to assemble and glue.● Printable in Pla and Resin Tags ranger ncr paladin armor t 60 ...