- Snip Snip the Mister Handy has orange tinted eyes which are reminiscent of the Fallout 3 and NV Mr Handy design. - One of the Vault experiments proposed during the Corporate Meeting correlates well to Vault 106 and it's white noise experiment - Another proposed experiment correlates to Vau...
↑TheCourier:"You should use Mr. House's technology to attack the dam." Caesar:"You don't get it, do you? The weapons I wield are forged from blood, flesh, sinew, bone - mortal stuff. Fragile, even. And yet my Legion obeys me, even unto death. Why? Because they live to serve...
Two Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps - One in the kitchen of a house northeast of Jeannie May Crawford's house. The bottle cap is in the kitchen, on the table to the left of the entrance. The second can be stolen from Daisy Whitman's room, on the table with the television set. ...
}"''([[NcActres.msg]])</ref> * If the Chosen One is wearing power armor, [[Junkie (Fallout 2)|Junkies]] will remark, ''"Well, if it ain't Mr. Darttth Vadrrr"''.<ref>[[Junkie (Fallout 2)|Junkie]]: ''"{458}{}{Well, if it ain't Mr. Darttth Vadrrr}"''([[NcJunkie...