《Fallout® Classic Collection》 《Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game》 你將體驗重振 CRPG 界的經典末世角色扮演遊戲。 Fallout® SPECIAL 系統允許各種獨特類型角色、深具意義的決策與發展,讓你能全權掌握。 探索黃金年代文明的殘破廢墟遺跡。 與變種人、幫派與機器人交談、對戰或潛行。 做出正確決定以...
Fallout Classic Collection 28 User Ratings 4.6 out of 5 'Excellent' Based on 79,324 Reviews ActionClassic2D Discover where the legendary Fallout series began with the games that took RPGs out of the dungeons and into the Wasteland. 2 A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game ...
《辐射》系列是Interplay公司开发的一系列经典美式RPG游戏,首作发行于1997年,是1988年《废土》精神续作。Epic送的《辐射经典同捆包/Fallout® Classic Collection》里包含了《辐射1》《辐射2》和《辐射战略版:钢铁兄弟会》,免费到9月5日,可以不玩不能没有,经典游戏值得收藏。
組合包 《Fallout® Classic Collection》 你將體驗重振 CRPG 界的經典末世角色扮演遊戲。 《Fallout® Classic Collection》包含以下作品:《Fallout®》、《Fallout® 2》、《Fallout® Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel》 CN¥83 查看組合包 追蹤我們 在Discord 追蹤我們(於新視窗開啟) 瀏覽我們的首頁(於新視窗...
【反斗限免】 免费获取 Epic 游戏 Fallout Classic Collection[Windows][¥83→0]丨Fallout Classic Collection 是一个游戏集合,里面包括了 Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playi... http://t.cn/A6R6Xx2k
Fallout Classic Collection includes: Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game You've just unearthed the classic post-apocalyptic role-playing game that revitalized the entire CRPG genre. The Fallout® SPECIAL system allows drastically different types of characters, meaningful decisions and development ...
This week Epic Games Store is giving away Fallout Classic Collection. It is a bundle that packs three most popular Fallout titles. This giveaway bundle includes – Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics: A Brotherhood of Steel. Fallout 1 (1997) ...
本周Epic限免游戏《Fallout® Classic Collection》《Wild Card Football》优惠截止于2024/9/5 23:00Aucauyin 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多70 -- 0:45 App 今周Epic双限免游戏《RPG in a Box》《Fort Triumph》12月09日00:00领取截止 59 -- 1:14 App 本周Epic限免游戏《密林传奇...
Fallout Classic Collection includes Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. The digital release of the Mac version is actually a DOS version which uses DOSBox in order to play it, though the retail version was a true native port. Version differences • Link Retail versi...
购买Fallout Classic Collection 包含3 件物品:Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game,Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel,Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game 查看信息 ¥ 83.00 添加至购物车 购买《Fallout》系列同捆包捆绑包(?)