Broken Roads(New release onSteam, April 10) Infection Free Zone(New release onSteam, April 11) Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition(New release onXboxand available on PC Game Pass, April 11) Backpack Battles(Steam) Fallout 4(Steam) Fallout 76(SteamandXbox, available on PC Game Pa...
你可以立即通过Steam、Xbox Series X|S、Xbox One、PlayStation 5与PlayStation 4游玩《Fallout 76》“大西洋城——美国的游乐场”。《Fallout 76》也可以通过Xbox Game Pass与PlayStation Plus Extra游玩。 û收藏 1 评论 ñ4 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
而且哦对于Prime Gaming和Xbox Game Pass Ultimate会员来说,更有特殊福利等着你们!只要你是有效订阅者,在活动期间内,就可以免费获得《辐射76》五岁生日同捆包。 这是一个特殊的福利,为了感谢大家一直以来对游戏的支持,官方特别准备了这个礼物,希望能够给大家带来更多的惊喜和乐趣!? 但是有个小问题大家要注意一下,...
(Optional 2) How do I use this thing if I added Fallout 76 as non-Steam Game with UWPHook? Adding a Gamepassgame as a non-steam game is also possible with UWPHook, additionaly it adds an icon, logo and a header to your library (so you dont have to do it by hand). Method 1...
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@AuerX and still zero players around The instances were always 24 player max. Its fine. Usually over 10K daily which is a lot for this game, where solitude is partially a big part of the vibe. It's not an mmo, was never meant to be one...
辐射76免费周 没错,免费周并不是你在本月内获得《Fallout 76》的唯一途径。截至11月1日,Prime Gaming的有效订阅者可以通过Prime Gaming奖励,免费获取PC/Windows Store的《Fallout 76》主游戏。 玩家可通过XBOX GAME PASS PERKS,在一个月内免费游玩《FALLOUT 1ST》 ...
从北京时间4月12日0:00至4月19日0:00,你可以在Steam、Xbox和PlayStation平台上免费畅玩《Fallout 76》。你只需要前往你选择的平台(Steam、Xbox Store或PlayStation Store)下载游戏,即可随心所欲地游玩。注册或登录Bethesda.net账户后,你就可以开始自由探索《Fallout 76》的所有内容。
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Change the color and resolution of your Pip-Boy and Quick-Boy. Use color presets from previous Fallout games. See a preview of how the color will look in the game. Mod manager Install and manage mods. Check if a mod has an update. (Requires you to login to NexusMods) ...