Test chamber 2 appears to be a simulation of a railroad and/or mine entrance, in which the railway tracks lead to the large utility tunnel. Test chamber 3 is a rocky environment with various bushes and in which wild razorgrain grows. A beheaded corpse is strung up against the window. ...
96號避難所(英文名:Vault 96)是一个避难所科技避难所,位于阿帕拉契亚的野人嶺地区。它位于創建會以南,R&G站东南,在103号公路的尽头。 96号避难所由一小队杰出的科学家组成,被宣传为未来保护动植物的方舟。然而,在密室被封死之后,人们发现工作人员还将被迫进行与基
Railroad: Core Box Railroad: Operatives Robots: Protectron Workers Children of Atom: Zealot Congregation Robots: Mister Handy Pack Super Mutants: Swan Creatures: Deathclaw Matriarch Print at Home - Pick-R-Up truck Print at Home - Bottle and Cappy ...
1.接了任务, 日后旅行时随机能碰到一个奇怪的女人, 自称是"Railroad“组织的成员, 她好像知道你的目的, 跟你大谈特谈了一番机器人的人性, 最后给你了一个假模块, 可以用来欺骗Zimmer机器人已死, 完成这个调查的方法很多, 但关键是要问出Pinkerton这个人a: 直接找Zimmer, 欺骗他说机器人已经死了, 得到50瓶盖...
Locations on the map 1 - Vault 111– You start your first main quest (Out of Time) in this location and its objective is to leave the vault. You can return to Vault 111 later in the game and use this opportunity to gain access to previously inaccessible containers. ...
bunker, which is built into a hill, located south of Oberland Station, just east of the railroad tracks, and southwest of the alien crash site. Head there and talk to Chuck Finley. Once you discover the B.O.G. Bunker, you can fast travel to and from the interior.For immersion and ...
Fallout 76 Review Unique weapons Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding unique (legendary) weapon: […] General Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3) ...
Railroad faction quests Institute faction quests Side quests World Atlas Introduction World map - sectors Enemy levels map Sectors Maps Sanctuary - Sector 1 Map of Sanctuary Vault 111 Sanctuary USAF Satellite Station Olivia Concord Abernathy Farm Thicket Excavations Walden Pond Malden - Sector 2 Ma...
CollapseAdditional locations Nuka-Town USA - Main Street U.S.A. Fizztop Mountain - Matterhorn Bobsleds Nuka-World transit center - Disneyland Railroad, Disneyland Monorail System, Mickey and Friends parking structure, Transportation and Ticket Center Grandchester Mystery Mansion - Haunted ...
The Railroad is a secretive organization based in the Commonwealth, where they carry out a shadow war against the Institute with the aim of liberating synthkind. Their core belief is that the artificial synth race deserves the right to freedom and free w