and it doesn’t stretch far. At this point I have a suit of power armor, two weapons, a handful of stimpaks, some bobbleheads, and a bunch of crafting junk in my stash. That’s it. I’ve taken to throwing out Fusion Cores and Missiles and other valuable-but-heavy items just to ...
crafting bug that uses no materials when repairing, crafting bug that makes some items uncraftable, camp placement bug that makes you unable to build anything, pop-in bug that makes the game look like it should be on PS2, lighting bug where light travels through solid objects and scenery, ...
Prior topatch, it was possible to achieve unlimited inventory through manipulating Pocketed armor, and equipping/unequipping it. The bug involves removing the total carry weight, and once is below zero, the game does not treat it as being encumbered. ...
Featuring over 75 new items including new architecture, signs, lights, decorations, and new animated food crafting stations, allowing you to make your favorite pre-war donut and coffee flavors. Assign vendors to run your shop while you are away. Includes 2 new Power Armors Paint Jobs. ...
More precise crafting recipes for Vasstek's NanoArmor 2.1. Outfits Workbench Crafting - Equipment Uploaded: 03 Mar 2025 Last Update: 03 Mar 2025 Author: Exoclyps Uploader: Exoclyps Adds a new "Outfits Workbench" that moves a lot of craftable outfits from the Chemistry Lab to it. Suppo...
Legendary Effect Overhaul (LEO) - Crafting - Drops - Modifications - And More - 可以移植跟製作的傳奇效果,有包含76的新效果 Munitions - Ammo Expansion Project - 其中一個武器mod要掛 ...
Stability: The Fallout 76 game client and servers have received additional stability improvements. C.A.M.P., Crafting and Workshops Stash: Maximum stash storage has been increased by 50%, to 600 pounds. This is a conservative adjustment, and we plan to increase the storage cap further in the...
Fix bug where you could land on a fake ledge while falling.Fix bug where explosions could not gib limbs if the player has the Bloody Mess perk.Fix bug where lockpick prevented movement keys after forcing a lock.Fix crafting menu using incorrect condition on the condition bar and show notch ...
Black Titanium is one of the most coveted resources inFallout 76. It’s essential for crafting powerful gear and equipment, including the Excavator Power Armor. As a lone traveler exploring the horrid wasteland of West Virginia, knowing where to get this precious metal can significantly enhance ...
You can check out the full list of fixes and changes in this newFallout 76update down below. BUG FIXES & IMPROVEMENTS ART Atomic Camo:The Atomic Camo paint can now be applied to all pieces of the Forest and Urban armor pieces, not just the mask. Additionally, Scout Masks that have the...