West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game, The Forest, Savage Divide, Toxic Valley, Ash Heap, The Mire, Cranberry Bog. The map contains all the locations you can visit in F76, Public Workshops, Player Stash Boxes, Vendors, Merchants and Traders locations,
Side QuestS12- starts with Prospector's Map bought in U-Mine-It! Vending Machine near main entrance to Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant. 031Camp Adams Lookout Climb Tower andSurvey Area, Air Sensor 032Camp Adams Small Boy Scouts' camp infested with Super Mutants. Some notes, Cooking Station. ...
This was corrected in Fallout 76 patch Morgantown Trainyard T‑series In a railcar with a crane over it beside the building. Fujiniya Intelligence Base T‑series The intelligence base is underneath Mama Dolce's Food Processing and the needed entrance keycard is inside the plant...
Gourd - Fallout 4Fallout 76 Honey mesquite pod(Honey mesquite tree) - Fallout: New Vegas Jalapeño pepper(Jalapeño pepper plant) - Fallout: New Vegas - Leek - [16] Fallout 76 - Legume - [17] Fallout: New Vegas - Lima bean - [18] Fallout 3 Maize(Maize stalk) - Fallout...
People have been digging intothe map for Fallout 76and marking confirmed and likely locations. Some of the confirmed locations include Top of the World Ski Resort, Watoga, Lewisburg, Beckley, a Nuka Cola Quantum plant, Charleston, theMothmanMuseum, Bolton Greens, and Morgantown. You can click ...
Field report: Mama Dolce’s Food Processing– At Mama Dolce’s Food Processing plant. Stuck– On the roof of a building to the north. Valley Galleria Who is up for some shopping? Screenshot by Dot Esports. Going east of the map, you’ll find four Audio Holotapes in Valley Galleria. ...
"Second Chance" 瑞普康總部是位於內華達州的專業火箭製造商瑞普康航天的公司總部 REPCONN Headquarters is the home office of REPCONN Aerospace. It lies in the prewar town of "Henderson". 在這裡撬鎖和黑掉計算機會大有用處。這樣做的目的就是黑掉保安系統,然後保安
Red = Primary locations Blue = Vaults Early concept of the Fallout: New Vegas map, explained by Chris Avellone during the Rezzed 2013 Developer Sessions. It features several names which were eventually cut from the game.[1] Locations mentioned on th
World map “We arrived here in '55. Established ourselves in the Citadel within the first few months. The Elder has kept us busy since then.”—Scribe Rothchild The Citadel, sometimes referred to as theDC Bunker,[1]is the heavily defended headquarters of theBrotherhood of Steelin theCapital...
When you begin Fallout 76 you can complete challenges by doing the smallest things: from collecting wood, to harvesting a plant, to killing your first robot, each small action completes a challenge and gives you some Atoms and a nice little fanfare. These Atoms are used for the Fallout 76 ...