Fragmentation grenade MIRV Fragmentation mine Molotov cocktail Nuka Quantum grenade Nuke mine Plasma grenade Plasma mine Pulse grenade Pulse mine Pumpkin grenade 子弹带 内置电池 v·d·e Perks inFallout 76 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
The Nuka-grenade is a weapon added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Gun Runners' Arsenal. An extremely powerful improvised explosive that incorporates the radioactive properties of a relatively rare Nuka-Cola variant to produce an enhanced plasma blast
Lucky Rabbit's Foot: A cut weapon in theNuka-Worldadd-on, it takes the space of a grenade, but adds 10% XP and 3 toLuck. Nuka Cherry grenade, a variant of theNuka-grenadeandNuka Quantum grenade(xx040CDD). 武器改装 Arecon scopemesh for theassault riflethat matches the style used on...
Fallout 76 Encumbrance - allow running and jumping while over-encumbered using action pointsFast Travel Requires Nuka Cola - make fast travel consume an Ice Cold Nuka or Nuka Quantum/Quartz/VictoryHold And Release Throwables - allows click and holding throwable weapons before throwing them...
- Nuka-Nuke (NN)--- 1125 EXP DAM--- 100 RAD DAM--- 850 EXP Radius--- Especially high-yield mini-nuke, thanks to the addition of Nuka-Cola Quantum.- Practice (PRAC)--- Impact DAM only--- 0 EXP DAM--- A practice round for sighting or attracting attention. Produces an orange ...
Fallout 4 Nuka-Cola Paint Nuka-World X-01 Quantum Armor Atomic Shop Nuka-Dark Paint Atomic Shop Nukashine Power Armor Paint Atomic Shop Nuka-Cola Classic Power Armor Paintjob References ↑TheSole Survivor:"It was everything you promised, sheriff. More fun than a bale full of hay." ...
Restored Nuka Cherry Grenade Restored Nuka Cherry Grenade The mod restores Nuka Cherry Grenade back to chemistry station where it belongs! For some reason it was left unused in game files. If Nuka Quantum grenade can be crafted, why not this one?
[6D]Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [6E]DakEnergyPistol.esp [6F]DakGrenadeAPW.esp [70]DakPoliceShotgun.esp [71]DakLindaPistol.esp [72]DakM43.esp [73]DakSpitfire.esp [74]DakMateba.esp [75]DakFR2.esp [76]Dak1887.esp [77]DakProtoAA12.esp [78]Glock19x.esp [79]DakRolli...
Nuka grenade Nuka Quantum grenade Orbital scan beacon Orbital strike beacon Plasma grenade Pulse grenade Pumpkin grenade Trail fireworks Turbo-Fert fertilizer Vertibot signal grenade Mines: Direct hits deal 1 damage, separate from their main explosion damage. Explosion damage is increased ...
Nuka-Cola Quantum Check out this cool blue Nuka-Cola Quantum skin for your Pip-Boy, as special as the limited edition soda itself. Overseer's Edition Travel the Wasteland like a boss, or rather THE boss, with this Vault-Tec certified Overseer Pip-Boy skin. Now featuring patented plastiwo...