The Nuka-Girl rocketsuit and Nuka-Girl helmet are an outfit set in Fallout 76. This suit is very similar to the variant found at Nuka-World in Fallout 4, with a few exceptions: the leather cap is red and the boots are darker. Prior to patch, the
Joseph Simpkin and Baden Gill, who were working on an unofficial Fallout 3 remake, were recruited as well. These modders worked on updates such as Expeditions: The Pitt and Nuka-World on Tour. PromotionSee: Fallout 76 promotional items...
unlock用鼠标选择门或箱子,输入指令即开player.setlevel # 设置玩家等级为#官方秘籍(大同小异,增加了karma点)tgm 无敌模式 tcl 穿墙模式 tmm1 所有的地图标记 player.setAV <能力> # 设置能力值(#为1-10) player.setAV <技能名> # 设置技能等级为 #(最大100)AP也可以改,命令是player.setAV ActionPoints ...
001Vault 76 You will find more info about Vault 76 inFirst Steps in Fallout 76 This is your starting location. Every new character you will create in Fallout 76 will appear here. TerminalPersonal Terminal HolotapeH01Holotape: Nuka Tapper- This is small game, it can be played on your Pip...
中国突击步枪: An untextured, high-poly model that resembles theChinese assault riflefeatured inFallout 3. A comparable firearm, thehandmade rifle, would appear in theNuka-Worldadd-on. InFallout 76, this model is available with several textures as skins for thehandmade rifle. ...
NukaChemist 00165AE6 HandLoader 0016581B VigilantRecycler 00165816 JuryRigging 00165815 ShotgunSurgeon 0016578B LaserCommander 00165789 RadChild 001656FD Stonewall 00165449 UnstoppableForce 00165447 Slayer 00165446 HitTheDeck 001651B6 CenterOfMass 00165182 SprayAndPray 00165181 FerociousLoyalty...
The movie fan outfit is a rare outfit in Fallout Shelter. A white shirt and black skirt with a white spring-wear hat with a flower arrangement atop. It provides those who wear it with a +4 Perception boost and a +1 Luck boost. It can only be worn by fema
Nuka-Cola Poster! Escape from the 42nd Century 0060EEBF M.I.N.D. Overlord Beer Stein Drink to your time-bending adventures with the M.I.N.D. Overlord Stein! Escape from the 42nd Century 00609E78 M.I.N.D. Propaganda Poster Look forward and promote the unification with the M.I.N....
The Nuka-World attraction, depicting a potential use of Vault-Tec technologies in extraterrestrial colonies, here at the hypothetical Arcturus I outpost.The most ambitious effort was a large exposition at the Museum of Technology in the capital was designed to promote their shelters and explain ...
Nuka-Girl Player Icon N/A Unused content N/A Nuka-Girl Bomber Player Icon Bomb that thirst away! Twitch Prime loot 005C8741 Nukashine Player Icon This item unlocked rewards for St. Patrick's Day event on the Atomic Shop.Note: These are the rewards: Plastic Nukashine Beer Hat, Cask Nuka...