Nuka-Cola locker keyBMO_BunkerKey03_NukaCola_01 A locker lying on the floor at the end of the hall in "Snackability Research and Development" in the Kanawha Nuka-Cola plant. The locker contains the TNT dome key 3 Found in a locked wooden crate in a doghouse in Sutton. The crate must...
Nuka-World is a pre-War amusement park turned raider settlement in 2287. It is in Massachusetts, west of Boston.[1] After Nuka-Cola's success on the national market in 2044, the Nuka-Cola Corporation opened its own soda-themed amusement park, Nuka-World,
Nuka Cola Swap rebalances and redistributes Nuka Cola flavors and adds new empty Nuka Cola bottle variants
在3DM Mod站下载侠盗猎车手系列最新的Fallout“Nuka Cola保险库男孩”衬衫 Mod,由nandychuMTG 制作。asdftrew在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: nandychuMTG Mod版本: 0.1 Mod大小: 2.01MB 更新时间: 2020-03...
#FALLOUT#Nuka-Cola bottles û收藏 20 评论 ñ12 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...人文艺术博主 3 公司 星际濒危怪形生物保护委员会 Ü 简介: 搬运各种地摊文化,怀古,奇想,猎奇,科幻,宅逼资源直达宇宙中心。(小号:kingkongofkhan老猿魔) ...
1 jugador Referencia al alcohol, Temas sugerentes, Violencia de nivel moderado Calificaciones Fallout Shelter: Nevera de Nuka-Cola Quantum Calificación global de los jugadores 0.0Sin calificaciones Sin calificaciones 0 % 0 % 0 % Información legal y del juego ...
Stardew Valley Mods Maps Fallout Valley Nuka Cola Overhaul Endorsements 12 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version 1.2 Download: Manual 4 items Last updated 03 June 202411:22AM Original upload 03 June 202411:03AM Created by ...
The Nuka-Cola Corporation[4][5][6] was a pre-War beverage corporation founded and led by its CEO John-Caleb Bradberton, best known for its flagship product, Nuka-Cola. By the time of the Great War it was the single largest beverage corporation in the Uni
我们在我们的网站上使用诸如cookie之类的技术来收集和使用个人数据,以个性化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能以及分析我们的流量。隐私政策 管理选项同意并继续 Add-ons & Bundles 其他版本DLC notificationsAlertfavoriteLikeadd_circleTo Libvisibility_offHide Fallout ShelterFree ...
1.首先她给你讲解了核子可乐的历史,接下来她提到了量子可乐这个稀有货,她非常想要30瓶量子可乐,而且许诺如果你能带来30瓶,她还会送你个宝贝. 她还告诉你要去Nuka Cola可乐工厂去寻找,那里可能有量子可乐的发货单.( 见下面的<核子可乐工厂任务>).口才好可以问出她给你的宝贝是 Nuka Grenade可乐手雷的图纸. ...