Mystery Meat 12 1 Stimpaks may generate edible meat tissue. Higher Rads improve the chance. 003472CB 2 Stimpaks generate edible meat. Higher Rads improve the chance. 003472CC 3 Stimpaks generate excessive edible meat. Higher Rads improve the chance. 003472CD One Gun Army 31 1 Heavy ...
而右边的奖状上面写的是“感谢那些勇敢的在mystery meat实验中吃掉那些肉的人”,玩过几款辐射的人应该...
边上Excellence in Bravery “格外勇敢奖”: "in recognition of the canned mystery meat experience/...
Mystery meat pie (+3) Pemmican (+3) Radtoad omelette (+1) Roasted scorchbeast heart (+3) Scorchbeast mixed meat stew (+2) Silt bean soup (+2) Starlight berry cobbler (+1) Drinks: Bourbon (+1) Nuka-Cola Dark (+1) Steeped gourd blossom tea (+2) Chems: Buffout (+2) Buffta...
the only salvation for the village. The trail leads to Vault 13 - your ancestor's half-legendary home shelter. The location of the shelter remains a mystery; your only clues, or rather souvenirs of the Vault Dweller, are a "company" blue jumpsuit with the inscription "Vault 13" (considere...
77.The Ghoul, meanwhile, makes his own meals from more unusual ingredients. These slices of human meat will be dried out to create Fallout 4’s ‘mystery’ jerky. 78.If your tastes veer closer to more classically American cuisine, then you can’t go wrong with a can of Cram. Fallout’...
令我担心这个游戏是多人游戏的主要就是那最后一句词:In Vault 76,OURfuture begins.但好歹,目前为止...
Larger, rarer fish are harder to grab, but will yield more meat! Explore the winding rivers and vast oceans of Fallout 4, and harvest the bounties of the sea - by hand! And, in doing so, you may stumble upon rare sights - like a giant bluefin tuna, an elusive Atlantic sturgeon, or...
· Cap Collector· Class Freak· Critical Savvy· Curator· Dry Nurse· Four Leaf Clover· Good with Salt· Grim Reaper's Sprint· Junk Shield· Last Laugh· Luck of the Draw· Lucky Break· Mysterious Savior· Mysterious Stranger· Mystery Meat· Pharma Farma· Psychopath· Quick Hands· ...
600 Tom Seddon (bloodmeat08) Holiday Workshop Pack Santa knows who's been naughty and who's been nice. In fact, he's kept a running list for the past two hundred years, and stocked plenty of gifts for all the Commonwealth. Find his crate of goodies and unpack new clothing, weapon ...