The Forest, pictured here in a radstorm, is the starting region after leaving Vault 76Fallout 76 has hundreds of servers, each one having a maximum capacity of twenty-four players. To prevent griefing, players are forced into a random server upon logging in unless they directly join a ...
Fallout 76重要地点 ↑1.01.1Fallout 76loading screens:"In 2031, Vault-Tec re-branded Morgantown's local college as Vault-Tec University, and some of their top executives and scientists either taught or graduated from there. Go Fighting Wendigos!" ...
It’s close to Vault 76. Screenshot by Dot Esports. There are13 holotapes in Flatwood, making it one of the best place to hunt for audio holotapes inFallout 76. You’ll have to look for them across the town; most of them are in bodies, but they’re mostly close to one another....
This is not actually true, even in the context of Fallout 76: Vault 94— reopened on October 23, 2078, and eventually led to the creation of The Mire. Vault 87— the Fallout 3 guide mentions, "The dwellers of Vault 87 were turned into Super Mutants in 2078, and have been a ...
Clarksburg is a town in the Toxic Valley region of Appalachia. The city of Clarksburg, located in the northern region of Appalachia, was very much a functional city. It had a grocery store, a post office, a hardware store, a gun store, a church, and even
From afar "SM" quote Fusion core Corpse at Treehouse Village Bar at Treehouse Village Magazine location Power armor References ↑Events ofDisarming Discovery. 展开 v·d·e Fallout 76重要地点 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
In fact, the quarry has become known as the site for the best mirelurk meat in the region due to the still water improving the meat's flavor.[Non-game 1] Located just off the road east of Concord, the quarry's seemingly well-defensible positions and proximity to trader routes have ...
(Without the efforts of the Vault Dweller in F1, however, the raiders in the region - the Khans - would have claimed Shady Sands and stamped out the republic before it even got started). At the time of Fallout 2, NCR's main resource is its great brahmin herds, which provides most of...
A list of all Gamebryo quest IDs in Fallout: New Vegas. These IDs and stages are useful for fixing broken quests. Use the console command setstage <quest id> <quest stage id>. Please note that some quests do not have stages.
The South Mountain lookout is a location in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia. A man named Dave took refuge in the tower at some point with his dog, Rufus. Rufus was eventually taken and Dave left, swearing revenge upon those who took him. This rang