Heavy guns Damage dealt is increased by the Heavy Gunner perks. 折叠Heavy guns 50 calmachine gun Final Word The Action Hero Cryolator Flamer Pyrolyzer Gatling gun Resolute Veteran Gatling laser Gatling plasma Gauss minigun Harpoon gun Kingfisher Lightmachine gun Minigun ...
Laser gun Pipe gun Plasma gun Radium rifle Submachine gun Tesla rifle Ultracite laser gun Notes InFallout 3, this perk affects all two-handedSmall GunsandEnergy Weapons. It does not affect any other types of weapons, including allBig Guns. ...
1 在游戏里按"~"开启控制台,输入完后再按"~"关闭即可modpca 属性名称 #属性名称对应的属性,比如luck,增加#点 (注意的是要分大小写)player.setAV 技能或属性名称 #将名称为"技能或属性名称"的技能或者属性的值设为# 比如 "player.setAV Luck 10" 注意空格哦, "."是句号player.additem 0000000F #增加#数...
It’s pretty silly that stocking up on valuables you need to keep your guns filled with bullets and your camps supplied isn’t feasible unless you pay what is essentially a monthly “loot toll” in addition to Fallout 76’s upfront price – especially in a game that incorporates survival ...
Classic guns, like the plasma and laser rifles, were broken up into interchangeable components. New guns, such as the pipe set, were designed from the ground up to work with this system and provide as much variety and flexibility as possible.The pipe gun set is the most basic of the ...
The facility was also utilized for post-war research into different technologies that were collected, from heavy weapons like missile launchers and miniguns, to energy based weapons like laser and plasma rifles. In 2277, they were even conducting substantial research on the Enclave 's advanced ...
Fallout 4 Resound Project - Guns - 更好的槍聲 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/83453 Better Workshop Lights - 讓工坊的燈更亮 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12361 GRASSLANDS - A Fallout 4 Grass Overhaul - 不會「用力過猛」的草地 ...
Big Guns 大型枪械分类非常广泛。 一般而言,起始买机枪是不现实的。你可以买简易的火箭筒(虽然容易损坏,射程近,但便宜)、买火焰喷射器用来早期战斗。 大枪类-机枪 机枪是最典型的大型枪支,依靠大数量子弹,动辄10发、20发的命中给敌人造成一击毙命的伤害,是重装甲的克星。
--- IEW Laser Guns (Institute Laser Guns) and their related loose mods require the completion of the "Mankind - Redefined" quest before they can be manufactured.- Technical issues:--- Casings, Primers, Powder, etc are set up as components (like Steel, Copper, Rubber, etc), but are (...
54.While up in the sky, the Brotherhood also makes use of pintle-mounted miniguns. These are similar to the Vertibird guns seen in Fallout 4. 55.Another machinegun turret can be seen at the Enclave base in episode two, with a design reminiscent of Fallout 4 and 76’s automated emplaceme...