Fallout Wiki 26Return to Moira. 30Travel to the playground in Minefield. 34Bring a landmine to Moira. (Optional) 36Return to Moira. 38Help Moira with Chapter 2. 40Test the repellent on three Mole Rats. 44Test Stick on seven more Mole Rats. (Optional) ...
In the Fallout 76 Public Test Server for the America's Playground update, several textures for movie posters featuring the pre-War Cooper Howard were datamined, including Gun, Valley of the Gun, Under the Covers and The Man from Calabasas. The textures were updated, and different names were...
Are You? Test Your Fallout Knowledge theinkandpen|4865d ago |Article|4| ▼ Theinkandpen "So you’ve played through the Fallout series, from the first game through to New Vegas, and now think you’re something special. Just how special? Find out by taking Bright Hub’s Fallout Quiz."...
They're looking to me for answers, and I'm not sure what to do. Someone has to do something, though, before this place sinks into an anarchistic bloodbath. Oct. 12, 2077Every time we get a report from higher up things get worse here. The war is going in a very bad direction and...
Sure. But I’m more interested in things like “what happens next?” rather than “How did Hank not instantly recognize Moldaver” or “How did Moldaver survive the war,” and so on.Season 2 has been approved, so we’ll possibly get answers to those questions and then see what New ...
No test subject survived the tests on Control station Enclave.[48] Interestingly, 这种病毒只会对人类以及由人类变种而成的生物产生作用,其他的任何生物都免疫这种致命的病毒。不过FEV was engineered to bond only with human glycoproteins, leaving other animals and plant life alive and quite kicking.[49...
He asked some questions about the GECK, and here are my answers: I'll start by saying that the GECK is a plot device. A McGuffin. It had the ability to save Arroyo when in the hands of the Chosen One or a learned member of the wastes. ...
be a test subject for cures. He was also that last patient you ran the experiment on." ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "What really happened here? The Lost, the storm?"Audrey Stolz: "I don't blame you for trying to wrap your head around things. With all that happened along the way, it's ...
In the same breath, he relates that he's providing snarky answers because he doesn't like disclosing his past, which would make his statements unreliable. Anyway, having been involved in a paramilitary organization in the past, the current description reads as though there's not firm ...
Coupled with severe anger issues, he lashes out over perceived slights, believes that he is always right and answers even simple questions with lengthy condescending digressions. He also has a sadistic side, lacking any empathy for the inhabitants of Vault 112 that he's kept trapped in a ...